Fear The Walking Dead

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Eh. It was okay. I don't mind that they are building up to the apocalypse, and the pace is slow and deliberate. But by nature I just don't like all the family drama stuff. I'm fine getting to know a group of people, but the drama between the characters seems so manufactured--it's there simply so the family dynamic is tense.

I like the woman in the lead. She too reminds me of Elisabeth Shue. I also know her from Gone Girl, and for some reason, I keep seeing her as a cop. Just something about the way she carries herself with authority and confidence. I'm expecting her to whip out her gun and badge in every scene!

Anyway, I did like the hints of the outbreak going on all around. All the sirens and helicopters going on in the background make it feel like they're all going towards a zombie incident. Or is that just how LA is all the time? ;) I liked how they just tangently passed by the incident on the highway and I liked seeing the viral helicopter footage of the scene afterwards. But I didn't think the dashcam footage worked--it looked too good and too well framed.

I think it will be interesting to see how civilization devolves once the s-- hits the fan, like how they showed in the previews.

This, right here, is the gist of the show....how people behave and what they do to each other when faced with fear and panic over something they can't understand or control. The zombies are just the driver, which just makes it more interesting for the viewer. I doubt that a show, a la the movie "Outbreak" would be half as fun to watch.
So besides comedies (that use "pointing out the obvious" as a means for a laugh) is it pretty much standard for people in zombie movies, tv shows, etc. to be completely oblivious of zombies and what they are!?
Yeah, I guess it is kind of an odd duality, but apparently the folks we watch live in a world with no Romero template for what they're dealing with. Which I accept, b/c otherwise the other take is something like Scream where there's a certain winking knowingness about it. I get how it can be annoying but personally I like that it's a brand new phenomenon to these characters as opposed to "oh, of course, a zombie! Rules are that...".
No one ever uses the word "Zombie" either.

"The guy was dead.. then he wasn't.. and then he started eating people like some kind of.. not dead person who eats people!"
Re: Another Walking Dead Show Confirmed

They'd better not call them Walkers like the in the original show. Different survivor groups have given them other names, so this new group should also have another name. Though no chance it will be Zombie. I don't know why they're not using the word in these shows. Wouldn't it be the first thing we would all call a person that came back from the dead trying to bite you?

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Re: Another Walking Dead Show Confirmed

They'd better not call them Walkers like the in the original show. Different survivor groups have given them other names, so this new group should also have another name. Though no chance it will be Zombie. I don't know why they're not using the word in these shows. Wouldn't it be the first thing we would all call a person that came back from the dead trying to bite you?

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didnt someone call them monsters? (or Am I imagining that? )
They have said they won't call them walkers, but something more 'west coast' to call them, whatever that might mean. Probably we'll find out what that name is in the next episode. They're going to have to start referring to them as something by then I'd think.
If you think about it, the only real reason we even have the undead zombie is because of one man, George Romero. Without him, we may not even have flesh eating zombies on screen. Closest we may get is the traditional Haitian voodoo zombie. So you could look at this show as some alternate reality where Romero passed on NOTLD and zombies never ended up being created.
I do agree that the whole crackhead subplot was unnecessary. If you want us to relate to these characters, they need to be relatable, mostly average people with jobs and normal every day lives. Then show us how something such as a virus outbreak that reanimates dead people into mindless rotting cannibals would really start breaking down society as it becomes impossible to contain and go from there. Adding drama in the shape of a drug addicted relative that lives in the streets seems distracting.
Yep! And while I enjoyed the show, I feel they missed their mark. We'll see how it plays out.

It would have been fine (if not better) with just the divorced step dad with the disgruntled kids and the teacher wife. But of course its easy to be a critic on everything. ;)
So besides comedies (that use "pointing out the obvious" as a means for a laugh) is it pretty much standard for people in zombie movies, tv shows, etc. to be completely oblivious of zombies and what they are!?

They have to be or it doesn't work. If a zombie apocalypse was a real world thing it would never happen. It would be put down before it gained momentum. The only way it could happen is if you changed almost instantly if you were bit.
They have to be or it doesn't work. If a zombie apocalypse was a real world thing it would never happen. It would be put down before it gained momentum. The only way it could happen is if you changed almost instantly if you were bit.

Yeah, World War Z or 28 Days Later is a bit more of a plausible world meltdown scenario. Although the Walking Dead idea that everyone is already infected with the virus at least means that it would be an ongoing problem until a cure was created. It just would never get so out of control that the living population would be wiped out.
Re: Another Walking Dead Show Confirmed

This is precisely why as far as post apocalyptic scenarios goes, "The Road" nails it. You never know what actually happened. And the only ones eating people are other hungry people...
No one ever uses the word "Zombie" either.

"The guy was dead.. then he wasn't.. and then he started eating people like some kind of.. not dead person who eats people!"

In the Walking Dead world, Zombies don't exist in comics, old movies, etc. They have no idea about them.
Re: Another Walking Dead Show Confirmed

I know people have suggested that the virus comes from the flu shots. I would have thought it would have to be something airborne for everyone to be infected by it across the country and presumably, the world.

The mother was bitten by Calvin in the first episode, so did it go through her clothes or will she be unscathed and therefore, uninfected?
I actually would like to see this first family die off due to the virus. The mother gets infected, bites her partner and both the children are unable to get away. It shows us how quickly the virus spreads through the population and how in such a short time, there are small groups of survivors.

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