Fear The Walking Dead

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He's not a crack head. Heroin is his drug of choice. :wink1:
I can see him becoming the breakout star of the show. I don't think he will be going anywhere anytime soon.
I think Nick will become the shows breakout star which is fine but Travis will be my guy. So far loving his character and Cliff Curtis very underrated for sure.
Very strong start, the set the tone well without going too slow or too fast. Great acting. Liked the feel of it. Looking forward to discovering more about the initial infection.
Comm. was a fun surprise. Liked the show. Feels different enough from TWD to be it's own show but I believe that as it goes it will merge with the feel of TWD. Character development is great and the infection is just slow enough that even with our media coverage it really is the fringe people that will make the connections without getting their voices heard until it's to late.
I liked it. It was slow, but it needs to be, to build a world, and make the characters likable. Cliff Curtis is a fantastic actor, I know he'll be great.

And yeah that was Randy from The Wire in that tiny part.
Yeah he's definitely giving out that Depp vibe. I like the actors on this one better than TWD. Cliff Curtis is a great, underrated actor.

This show has a more cinematic feel than TWD. They're not doling out cheap scares and zombie mayhem in buckets like TWD does and for the better. There's a lot more creep factor, at least on this first episode, without having to resort to TWD-level gore. I like it.

there will be plenty of TWD gore to come. No doubt about it.
LOL at the people complaining already. Let them build a good story line GEEZ. I got a Brandon Lee vibe from the junkie. I loved Cliff Curtis' role in Training Day and look forward to how his role progresses in FTWD.
LOL at the people complaining already. Let them build a good story line GEEZ. I got a Brandon Lee vibe from the junkie. I loved Cliff Curtis' role in Training Day and look forward to how his role progresses in FTWD.

Don't know if this was meant towards me, but I'm not really complaining, just making an observation.
Just watched the first episode. Nicely paced and good character building. Really looking forward to episode 2 now!

I liked the show, though I missed about 15 minutes of it since I fell asleep. Not that the show was boring, but I'm back to work now and I couldn't watch the show at 9. I had to watch it at midnight and I passed out about 1 am or so. :lol

I can't say this episode was better than TWD Ep. 1 and there's no way the acting is better. If this one was good or better than TWD Ep. 1, I wouldn't have fallen asleep. Episode 1 TWD unnerved me and I debated on watching any more. I'm not a big horror fan, but I'm so glad I continued watching it.

This has to have a slower buildup. I didn't even expect to see any Zombies in the first show.

I got a little more info on the Life Imitates AMC trailer. The Cowboy "drapping" is our very own and loved Lahkota (0:23), and another member who frequents the custom section is the one who pitched this whole idea to AMC, put together and did the editing for the trailer

Is that a fake horse? What watch was Wake wearing. Milgauss? I'm so OT; carry on.