Fear The Walking Dead

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I thought that was pretty awesome. The next 5 episodes will at least bridge the gap from when the outbreak started to when Rick wakes up in the hospital. I have faith the series will continue to be good

Anyone else catch the 1/6 dioramas in the new AMC commercial?

Yes I did. Isn't he a member on here?

That's Wake, he used to be a lot more active here but he's been pretty much off the grid for almost a year. I heard that he was working on this project. Don't know if he has a skit in the show or if he's a permanent fixture

That's the first time I saw that commercial. Was it aired already or was that the first time?
Ah...Wake. Makes sense. I think the commercial was just featuring people who have recreated AMC shows in their own way--from dollies to pancakes. Not sure if Wake actually has a part in any show.
There is going to be a show about geek culture and I know he has a hand in it, I'm just not sure to what extent. I know he was trying to recruit geek girls on FB for this
Have it PVR'd so just came across the AMC commercial with Wake's dioramas and figures. That's awesome to see them get that attention. They look fantastic and what a nice surprise. Was not expecting that, so I had to do a double-take, rewind and pause to get a good look. Good for Wake.

As for the show, really liking it so far. From some of the posts I glanced at, seems like I might be in the minority but finding this a lot better written and acted than WD. Characters and overall scenario just seem more natural and believable. Looking forward to seeing this develop.
Have it PVR'd so just came across the AMC commercial with Wake's dioramas and figures. That's awesome to see them get that attention. They look fantastic and what a nice surprise. Was not expecting that, so I had to do a double-take, rewind and pause to get a good look. Good for Wake.

As for the show, really liking it so far. From some of the posts I glanced at, seems like I might be in the minority but finding this a lot better written and acted than WD. Characters and overall scenario just seem more natural and believable. Looking forward to seeing this develop.

I'm with you on the acting and writing, Olie. Definitely felt like a slight cut above our beloved original.

It'll be interesting to see where this all goes and if they can keep it interesting once this caches up to where we find Rick in the pilot
Liked it a lot more than I expected to. It's not blowing me away yet, but I thought the writing was really strong. (Unlike, say, the godawful writing on The Strain.) I'm definitely in for the rest of the season.

But is anybody else a little distracted by how much the junkie son looks EXACTLY like young Johnny Depp?
Liked it a lot more than I expected to. It's not blowing me away yet, but I thought the writing was really strong. (Unlike, say, the godawful writing on The Strain.) I'm definitely in for the rest of the season.

But is anybody else a little distracted by how much the junkie son looks EXACTLY like young Johnny Depp?

Yeah he's definitely giving out that Depp vibe. I like the actors on this one better than TWD. Cliff Curtis is a great, underrated actor.

This show has a more cinematic feel than TWD. They're not doling out cheap scares and zombie mayhem in buckets like TWD does and for the better. There's a lot more creep factor, at least on this first episode, without having to resort to TWD-level gore. I like it.
Something I enjoyed and hope they stick with is the lack of noises the zombies make. I've always loved the slow moving silent zombies. The ones that just creep towards their victims. I'm pretty tired of hearing the zombies doing their best dinosaur impressions to be honest.
it felt too stretched out , and yeah the junkie did look like Depp . This show needs more zombie moments imo , the whole thing could have been condensed into an hour and be better and damn them for not actually going deeper into the highway moment, that could have been epic if it went slightly larger in scale
Re: Another Walking Dead Show Confirmed

It's meant to feel stretched out at first. It's the only way to give the characters background and get the viewer involved and develop interest for them. They can't just jump into zombie shootings right off the bat.
I don't want them to jump into the deep end right off the bat. The last thing I want from this show to be honest is walking dead 2.0 where we get half an hour of stuff and then all of a sudden it's anarchy and giant zombie attacks and blah blah blah. If I wanna see that I'll just watch walking dead. People are bitching on Facebook because they just want the exact same formula as walking dead but in LA. This isn't a movie where they have to get the outbreak out halfway through and then the rest is all run for your lives. This way they can lead into the outbreak. Some people are just damn impatient.
Or maybe we can have our own damn opinion of the show without other telling us we are damn impatient and or taking jabs at us for not loving the way this show is made...
you know if we say damn too many times, chuck norris will appear and take us all out ... its like saying candyman or beetlejuice x amount of times
Liked it, anyone else notice the daughter boyfriend, was the kid from the wire? Looks he's already dead though...
The mother looks like Elizabeth Shue. The student in Cliff Curtis' class used to be on a Nickelodeon show my daughter used to watch. The junkie was getting on my nerves but thats most likely because I've known too many junkies and they tend to get on my nerves.
I actually think it moved too fast into the outbreak. Should have been more subtle.

I don't care about the crack head.... he needs to go. ;)