Fear The Walking Dead

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Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

I don't want to see TWD become what the main CSI is now. :nono I'd rather them Lizzie the show before that happens. :lol

I agree. I stopped watching CSI years ago. They got me back for a bit when Fishburne came on, but I left when he did. I only watch an episode lately because Gene Simmons was guest starring and my dad is a huge Kiss fan :lol

My guess is they'll keep the show going at least until they catch up to the comic or viewers drop off, whichever comes first. If they catch up to the comics before viewers die down, they'll be in a very unique position. They'll either have to go off and do their own things with the characters at that point or Kirkman would basically be giving away his ideas for the comic years before they might have happened and I just really don't see them doing that. But Game of Thrones will probably hit this problem before TWD does.
Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

Well with the Latino family, it would suggest Western United States as a likely location, as has been speculated. More of a Breaking Bad area in the Walking Dead world would change things up a bit setting wise.
Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

Well, aside from Martinez, who was a minor character at best, I can't think of really any Hispanics that have been on the show in more than passing/zombie chow.

This reminds me of the whole case about the black cast (which was a bit more legit prior to Tyreese and Michonne). There was Morales and family in Season 1, Guillermo who had a whole episode dedicated to him and his "Vatos," Tyreese's ol' lady Karen, Martinez who wasn't a minor character at all and was the Governor's equivalent to Daryl in both status and even screen time, Rosita as well (Abraham's ol' lady). At this point I'm waiting for Papa Smurf to start bitching about a ****ing lack of blue people in TWD. :lol
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Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

This reminds me of the whole case about the black cast (which was a bit more legit prior to Tyreese and Michonne). There was Morales and family in Season 1, Guillermo who had a whole episode dedicated to him and his "Vatos," Tyreese's ol' lady Karen, Martinez who wasn't a minor character at all and was the Governor's equivalent to Daryl in both status and even screen time, Tara the lesbian as well (that's a two-fer). At this point I'm waiting for Papa Smurf to start bitching about a ****ing lack of blue people in TWD. :lol

:lol Karen's last name was Martinez? I don't think Tara is Hispanic. Regardless, you are right in that there have been several Hispanic characters on the show over the years.

Also interesting is that fact that the spinoff will be going back to the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, thus ensuring the two shows will never cross over. :yess:
Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

:lol Karen's last name was Martinez? I don't think Tara is Hispanic. Regardless, you are right in that there have been several Hispanic characters on the show over the years.

Also interesting is that fact that the spinoff will be going back to the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, thus ensuring the two shows will never cross over. :yess:

You missed the "," between Karen and Martinez. :wink1: :lol

As for Tara, I mixed her up with Abraham's ol' lady, Rosita. :slap Although Tara in a pair of hot pants and a tied shirt doesn't sound bad. :lol
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Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

Oh boy......teenage angst during the zombie apocalypse.
Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

Also interesting is that fact that the spinoff will be going back to the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, thus ensuring the two shows will never cross over. :yess:

Not necessarily. We don't know the exact timeline each show is following. The new show might start at the beginning like the original did, but that doesn't mean it won't ever catch up to the same timeline the original is at. The comics just had a 2 year time gap jump. They can easily do things like that between seasons.

The biggest thing that will keep them from crossing over would be the locations. If they are on opposite ends of the country, they won't be seeing each other any time soon. They can just fly in like they did on all of the CSIs.

And my hat is off to you Nam, I honestly forgot about most of those you mentioned. But I guess that's because most haven't stuck around very long.

I'm not worried about the spin off... yet. I think they know what is working with the current show, so they'll won't want to shake things up too much. This isn't the CW. And if it sucks, you don't have to watch it. It probably won't be affecting the original show except perhaps airing dates. I'd think they'd want to keep these shows airing in each other's off seasons so they can have the Walking Dead playing in some form most of the year. Having them on at the same time would be a little tiring. Plus I can't imagine Talking Dead would be able to cover both shows in an hour or have two shows a night for each show. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

That's actually interesting. I wonder if they'll extend the Talking Dead season to air after both shows. Freaks will ***** about it and their loathing of Hardwick, but **** 'em. The show's great and the perfect thing to really take in all that transpired the previous hour. Plus, they often cover things missed, or give key insights into why something happened the way it did. It also offers a good opportunity for longtime cast members to say goodbye when their character croaks.
Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

So I am guessing 4 episodes before the teenage girl gets pregnant and 2 more episodes before two teenage guys fight over said girl and one gets killed.
Re: The Walking Dead (Spinoff) Series

So I am guessing 4 episodes before the teenage girl gets pregnant and 2 more episodes before two teenage guys fight over said girl and one gets killed.

Shhhh, people who don't live on the West Coast will mistake your HIGHLY realistic post as something else. :lecture :lol