Thanks guys. Mostly, thanks for being here. I don't have many places to talk to the wall, you know what I mean, to a blank slate that I know someone else reads that maybe cares. So I can spill some info and at least be able to tell SOMEONE what is going on.
Looks like Ma is gonna be there in ICU 5 to 6 days. Her right kidney is in some stressed condition, unknown yet, and looks like there was some cardiac enzyme present in her blood that could mean she had a heart attack, or was ripe for one. Either way, it ain't good. I am at least glad she is in ICU, watched and cared for, and will be for a while. My sister had to leave to go back to Atlanta for a time, so it's just me and Pa here alone, and us visiting Ma in ICU.
Feeling scared this go round. I am keeping optimistic. I have to. I dread bad news, but am ready if it comes. Anyway, it means more than I can say knowing you guys care. Really. You have no idea. THANK YOU for letting me vent. Keeps my head straight. And sharing the work. SO glad that is up and going again.
I keep reminding myself of that old DUNE litany, which is something like this, "Fear is the mind killer, the little death. I will face my fear and allow it to sweep over me and through me and past me, and in the end, only I will remain." It's times like this that it comforts me to know I can pseudo quote Sci Fi stuff and have friends online understand what I mean.
Anyway, I will admit, for once, I am afraid. She just can't keep taking this on and on. I hope. I pray, but I mostly hope I am ready. Please keep her and us in your thoughts, and think of
fun things like Hickses and Aliens and Jokers and all the other cool things. Thank God we have and can share all these here together. As a family.
Seriously. We have a lot here. It is a treasure. (Glad we all had a chance to thank Dave this last week!

) Let's fight to always have this great place.
Be back again when I know more.
And again,
Tired but
still here....
