Thanks, I am trying.
And yes, some of those are indeed your very overdue heads. When the Hickses are done, so many things to ship out. Some before, but most to ship in finished sets when the Hicks get finished. Trying today and tomorrow to not only restart those, but finish the loose Ripleys, and Vasquez and some others, Indys and other full figures. Got a pair of Legolas heads that need finishing also. Several LOTR things coming.
SO MANY IN ALL...but getting through a lot of them at last. When I do get caught up, I plan a whole new strategy for headpaints and quantities thereof. I will share that when I get there. After the celebration, which I will for sure have, mostly due to you guys getting your stuff at long last.
And Intothevoid, yes, what sharp eyes you have. I did indeed add a tuft of hair to the front of Harvey's ravaged face. Makes him look a bit more like he goes with my set, what with Joker now sporting real hair. Plus, I just wanted to see if it would work.
More to come. Grocery day, so out, then to see Ma, and then back to work.
Lots yet to do.
Ma report, since so many of you are asking about her, she is having a test Friday to see if her kidney is doing better after the scare of a few weeks back. I'll know more next week. Thanks all for asking.
And glad to know you weathered Gustav Mike, and anyone else in it's way. Glad to know it wasn't as bad. WE may have one Friday. Yeah. Yet another storm bearing right down on my area.
Damn Hurricanes! (Not you Glenn. You're the good kind!
