Thanks Tay.
hoping for good results on tuesday Les.
great to hear that you are having fun with all your paint-ups. your latest batch of pics is unbelievable bro!!!
Thanks. I hope to post a true update either Tuesday or could be more like Wednesday. I broke the joint tip of my left forefinger yesterday, (was between a 100 lb concrete urn and a brick wall on our front porch, and the urn smashed into my finger as I thought I had room between them...I didn't...

) and it hurts still (like a sombich sometimes!

), but thank God I am not left handed!
Still, I never realized what keys I hit on the computer keyboard with it until it was out of commission!
Anyway, busy at paints still, regardless. Got really tired last night late after a long day of it and stopped. Plus the finger gave me hell. But today has been pretty good. Hope to have a lot to mail off within the next few days too.
Still not back to the Hicks set just yet, so don't expect ALL those to be done this quickly, but I should be
to them pretty thoroughly. Joker samples too. Those are in progress along with so much else.
All in all not a bad weekend,
And importantly, to Mike and anyone, ANYONE in this new storm's way, please take care. I'll be praying for you all week.
Til next post.