Here on the Perimeter
Quick in and out. At the library again. Yeah...damned computer still fritzed and no means to replace, but I hope to be online again soon. Damned Dell...
Anyway, still alive, still kickin' still painting when I can. News soon. Updates as soon as I can.
Ma update. She is doing better and is back at her new nursing home. I spent seven hours with her yesterday, and am applying for guardianship as we speak. I hope that works out. My brother is our only real obsticle, as he still doesn't accept my Mom's state of mind. But I think he will. We do have a lot of official diagnoses now so it's not just what we say.
She wishes all well here and thanks all of you for the prayers. They are working.
Very proud of my Sixth Scale Mag appearance, and am very proud for BillyB and Maulfan and thank them again for their help with that Joker figure and the layout photos.
Hope to have more of my own Joker stuff to post soon too.
Lots more.
Lots of everything. Too much.
A virtual landslide.
And speaking of landslides.....
Anyway, won't go there....
Be back soon folks. Thanks for all the kind cards and letters. Fox, loved that one! Much obliged all.
Oh, got my Gandalf. Cancelling much else, but couldn't cancel him as he is the only official LOTR figure I have, and a repaint is due soon with all else. Got to de-Santa him some. GREAT work SS! Love him.
Hang on people! More coming! Must post pics soon!
Thanks again, and I miss all you guys a LOT! Sorry I missed Spook.
Back soon!
Awesome to hear from you, Les.