Back in for a few choice minutes guys.
Damn computer is still out. But I may do the total overhaul route this week or next, depending on the expenditure needed. For now, I am saving to fix that, so I have some money to ship some minor stuff out late this week for a few of you guys.
Sorry they may be sight unseen, but I hope you can post them here when you get them.
Then I plan some mass mailings after the holidays. And when I say mass...I mean
huge quantities of stuff.
Thanks all for waiting so long. It has been a horrendous year for me.
The last couple of weeks were the worst, if you can believe it. Lots of infighting in the family due to some stuff...much I won't go into, but my Mom is not well, physically, or mentally, and she kinda lashed out a week ago and it still smarts. Not sure if I can get over what she tried to pull. Long story, so I won't bore you, but it sure makes this year's battles seem somewhat emotionally fruitless for me.
Just so you all know, I am painting well again, Some stuff is on a roll, and some is work. I still will not stop until I am caught up. I have had some down days of late, that make me question staying with this work. No regular job and no recent commissions have added to the stresses here, so I plan on selling off huge amounts of my collection, things I really do not need. So look for that this week if I can post them soon. It's a have to situation, not a want to. But, I don't need this much stuff. I do have way too much anyway.
Health wise I am ok. Not great, but ok. I am on meds for my heart, as this stuff with my Mom has cost me. Yeah, gotta love getting older. My beard has gone white this year. White. It was sorta reddish this time last year. Good news is, I am taking LOTS of vitamins, eating better, losing weight, and trying to sleep better.
All that helps me work.
I will decide what I will do in 09 once I get caught up. I have gone back and forth from thinking of outright retiring, to starting back full bore, balls to the wall, and just erupt forth with new work. Like Sovereign Shawn says, "I AM an artist, it's in my blood" So if I quit, I might be back anyway.
It's just been hard.
Despite all that crap, SO MUCH is coming. Apologies to those who await some things that are for further projects, namely Elder Pred, Your's is coming bro, trust me. I paint, sculpt, clean, dremel, paint, 150+ and counting. LOTS in progress, Most I have ever done at one time. Quality remains my only motivator, so bear with me. Lots are done.
Jokers are still in progress, and I hope to have that third/fourth choice image up soon. I think you guys will like it. It is quite different from any paint I have seen yet. We'll see if it goes or not.
Hickes are almost done. SO MANY TO SHIP!!!!
Must sell stuff to ship, so buy something when my sale hits this week. Goodies will abound.
God, what else to say? No time...
Gotta go. But guys, bear with me. I know you all have waited too long this year on me. Once I am caught up, I hope to rest some, then we'll see.
GREAT work from you other guys!
I want a Scarecrow mask Elvis! I still want a Barlow head! Where's a DK Alfred already?????
And Josh and you other painters, ROCK ON!

Ass is being kicked! Hope I can join the fray soon!
Gotta go see Ma. She's on the warpath again today. It never ends here. Just got her a new TV this week too. Hard to please her now. LOL!
Til next post, which I hope is IT! THE post. Hang with!
Miss you guys!!!