Re: Planning My Wedding

Yes, very bad. They were only allowing straight couples to marry on the weekends. Same sex had to do it Monday-Friday. Ridiculous.
my wedding cost around $20,000 to $25,000.
We had an awesome garden wedding,followed by about 2 hrs of pics in scenic areas around our city.
We then has the reception at the function centre of the place where we married in the garden.We danced to Leias theme as well as Across the Stars as our bridal waltz...then the Cantina band song last so all the people could get up and dance.After the reception we went to an awesome Villa where we stayed the night a few suburbs away.
next day,BBQ with friends and relos....
3 days later we went on our honeymoon to the Whitsundays and Barrier Reef etc.
That was in awesome day and that was only topped off by the birth of our first child last yr.
So BG-all the best,remember-do it as you girls want it,communication is also the key...and just relax and enjoy the moment cause it goes to fast!!!!
Just my 2c worth![]()
thats craziness
can straight people get divorced on weekends?
the whole thing is looney tunes!!!
You know what kills a womans sex drive by 80%-90%?
Wedding cake.So don't eat too much.
Just kidding, congrads.
We put the ax on that one...
Yes, very bad. They were only allowing straight couples to marry on the weekends. Same sex had to do it Monday-Friday. Ridiculous.
Wow, what a bummer. I have always wonder how gay/lesbian people live their life day to day, especially big event like wedding. I guess "begger can't be chooser" but the others do get it free. So, so should you both. Do they allow you to get marriage license in Texas as well? I hope religion isn't a big abstacle. Do you plan to have a priest? Good luck to you both.
weddings are overated. Have a simple cheap wedding and save that money for a nice honey moon/trip somewhere.
Yeah understandable BG, I didnt mean that in a bad way so sorry if I came off like an a-hole. I just think of how much people spend on weddings then later get divorced or its not what they thought it was going to be. I guess as a guy I just think id rather actually do something else with the money. To each there own tho, I hope its a great day for you and remember pics or it didnt happen![]()
BuffyGirl is a girl!
ArmoredFoe is a boy!![]()
BuffyGirl is a girl!
ArmoredFoe is a boy!![]()
Not at all. Just pointing out that sometimes little girls do indeed dream of their wedding day their entire life until the time comes, and it holds great importance to them.
ArmoredFoe just likes toys!![]()