(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

They use to be a cons so I am guessing it was them you saw. The hardest part is coming up with a value. I guessed high and still only paid like $75

That's not bad. Another monthly payment but better safe than sorry.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I had started a spreadsheet a few months ago just for my own amusement but now with the new house and a new policy I want to properly insure everything.

Is it a separate policy or in with your homeowners? I go through Collectibles Insurance Services. They have been awesome. Homeowners will probably not cover fully like they should.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I had https://www.collectinsure.com/ for a while. Nothing wrong with it just keep forgetting to renew. I know it can work, Loki( I know your favorite person) had luck with them when done damaged one of his statuses. It was one if the old LOTR ones that was real fragile and it got broken " dusting" it.

I think I was looking at them tonight. Will have to check them out and see what they cost. Would be nice to feel covered if something was to happen.

This is who I use. You don't have to give a list of items or anything, just an estimated value of your collection, and note anything that is worth over $5k by itself.
They have an auto value inflation thing as well if you want. So say your collection is worth $20k and you pay that premium, in a year they bump it up to say $20,250 or something and you pay that premium. You can also have them stick to just the $20k and no inflation year to year if you want. And if you sell off a bunch or add a bunch you can call and up the coverage or lower it anytime. I've had 2 pretty big claims and never had a problem with them.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

This is who I use. You don't have to give a list of items or anything, just an estimated value of your collection, and note anything that is worth over $5k by itself.
They have an auto value inflation thing as well if you want. So say your collection is worth $20k and you pay that premium, in a year they bump it up to say $20,250 or something and you pay that premium. You can also have them stick to just the $20k and no inflation year to year if you want. And if you sell off a bunch or add a bunch you can call and up the coverage or lower it anytime. I've had 2 pretty big claims and never had a problem with them.

Nice! I will check them out.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

This is who I use. You don't have to give a list of items or anything, just an estimated value of your collection, and note anything that is worth over $5k by itself.
They have an auto value inflation thing as well if you want. So say your collection is worth $20k and you pay that premium, in a year they bump it up to say $20,250 or something and you pay that premium. You can also have them stick to just the $20k and no inflation year to year if you want. And if you sell off a bunch or add a bunch you can call and up the coverage or lower it anytime. I've had 2 pretty big claims and never had a problem with them.

This is who I have too! I haven't used them yet, but they do provide hurricane insurance since I live in a hurricane city. :lol :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Is it a separate policy or in with your homeowners? I go through Collectibles Insurance Services. They have been awesome. Homeowners will probably not cover fully like they should.

My Dad's wife is an Insurance Agent and said as long as I provide them with a detailed list and total value then I can add it to my policy. I'm lumping it with other stuff like my guitars. I'll look at that other coverage too, thanks!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Happy Birthday Ben !


re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

My Dad's wife is an Insurance Agent and said as long as I provide them with a detailed list and total value then I can add it to my policy. I'm lumping it with other stuff like my guitars. I'll look at that other coverage too, thanks!

Cool. My experience with homeowners insurance is that they will find any loop hole not to cover something. "Oh, it's your front porch roof that's damaged?... that's not really considered your house since it's outside of the house, so we don't cover that..." "Oh, sewer pipes... inside the house or outside?... oh, well since they are the pipes leading from your house we don't cover that..." "So sorry to hear about the fire... but it happened on a Tuesday and we only cover fire damage Wednesday through Sunday..." Plus I see them looking at collectibles and not something worth what they really are. Collectibles Insurance Services would cover your guitars and stuff too just FYI. Plus homeowners probably has a deductible when you make a claim.
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Happy Birthday Ben!

Lol @ that Godzilla .gif JJJ. :D
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ok Stormy I know you're downsizing and going all tiny but just in case...

Chris Trevas:

ACME Archives Alliance Star Wars art event starts this Friday!
Like the Disney event earlier this year, this will be a timed release. The prints will be available for 10 days only on the Dark Ink website (Welcome! | Dark Ink). The size of the edition will be determined by the orders received.
My print for this event will be 18x24 matching the previous 3 Celebration prints in size and format. It will feature the white border with title and movie quote.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

3 day weekend ****ed me... no way I can catch up on the thread :lol

Hope everyone's doing well and Happy Bday Ben :rock :rock

Did you re-paint that? It's the difference between night and day! You must have sanded some of he face off, too...

Actually... all I did was remove the eyeplate (Sideshow uses those now) cut it down and then reshaped the jawline by dropping it in hot water, pinching the sides and dipping it in ice water to hold the shape... easy peasy.

I also repainted the eyes completely and then just touched up the skin tones and added the weathering. But no actual sculptural alterations.

Yeah, but I wanna may to fix a $200 figure? The madness has to stop somewhere :lol

Yep, this figure was like $160, and with what I charge that puts it to over $200. Really not cool of Sideshow. Funny thing is I saw a figure someone got a couple of days ago and the jawline looked good, so either he got a fluke or Sideshow fixed it.

Good point. You shouldn't have to customize it. They should be perfect or at least close, right out of the box...
Joseph should work for Sideshow. He clearly has better skills than some of them.

What's crazy is Sideshow has easily some of the most talented artists on their team... they just don't seem to have much of a presence at the factory level. So rather than correct an issue before it's gone too far we end up with half-assed looking figures. And clearly the issues with Drake are from cost cutting measures which makes it even more of a problem.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

JLaw is the most popular one but Upton seems to have the most pics. Upton is REDONKULOUS!!! :panic:
I enjoyed both. But the later released JLAW photos (and corresponding gif) which are censored MUST be posted in an unedited format somewhere!!! I needs those!!!

I did watch those. I don't remember her showing her ****s. She was in her bra and panties in the first episode. Maybe I didn't get through all of them. They were pretty bad. I don't think she's very funny, to be honest.
Yeah, it was a later episode. I want to say the 4th one. And yes, they were pretty bad. I think only one of them was somewhat amusing to me...

Thanks Sean.

Happy Birthday Ben. ;)
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Actually... all I did was remove the eyeplate (Sideshow uses those now) cut it down and then reshaped the jawline by dropping it in hot water, pinching the sides and dipping it in ice water to hold the shape... easy peasy.

I also repainted the eyes completely and then just touched up the skin tones and added the weathering. But no actual sculptural alterations.
Welcome back!!! I have no idea what an eyeplate is. What you say is "easy peasy" is like rocket science to me.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah, it was a later episode. I want to say the 4th one. And yes, they were pretty bad. I think only one of them was somewhat amusing to me...

I'm going to have to sit through those things again. Google found me nothing.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm going to have to sit through those things again. Google found me nothing.
I watched them through HBO GO, but I'm sure the videos can be found easily enough... The other girl, Riki, didn't go topless, but she did...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh, and Galactiboy, I don't suppose you can or know somebody that can fix the internal lightbulb on my Shaak Ti PF. It has some sentimental value to me since Dave offered it to me to review, but when I agreed to take it, he said he no longer had it, and I ended up buying one myself because it was already in my brain at that point.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I saw Sin City 2 yesterday, in 3D. I loved it! I knew I would. However, I still prefer the original. There were more separate stories interwoven. This one mainly had two stories, and they weren't interwoven as well. There were also a few slower periods in this one. But I still loved it overall. I love the style. The way they mix the graphic novel look with B&W live action, with certain things in color, looks beautiful to me. And the deaths/mutilations were all AWESOME!
They re-cast a few of the roles. Josh Brolin was playing Clive Owen's Dwight. Besides not having an accent anymore, he played the part well. Miho was also replaced (from Devon Aoki to Jamie Chung) but most people wouldn't notice, since all Asian people look alike. :lol Right, UT?