re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."
Did you find that on clearance? It's very old. My store had a ton of them, and I waited for the clearance price. They were IN the clearance aisle! But it never went down. Then they disappeared... I do want it, but not for retail...
Multi-quotes are fun.
Yes they are!!! You can blame Waller for mine...
I don't participate in the thread, I don't wanna be one of those jackwagons who just shows up and asks for one
But I'd really like one
Sooo... you're just a jackwagon for other reasons?
I didn't know they still had a chat
Chat is the best part!!! And we run it, so we make our own rules!!!
I only enter contests during spook and go into the chat if cantina people are in there.
There usually is, nowadays...
I'm planning a horror give away for Spook this year, but I'm not gonna tell anyone when it is or what the rules are
Until after you've given it away?
That was one way, I had many lil tricks. Banners were too simple, even finding a picture on a page after they fixed the page date thing. Having worked for a content filtering co I had cool tools to search pages for specific things very quickly. I was good and didn't over use my power.
Lucky. I was one of the unlucky SOB's who found the freebie while it was still available, but it was gone by the time I tried to complete checkout... I sucked at getting freebies... Thankfully, contests were easier to win back then...
I can't hear you over how awesome this is.

Good comeback!
The Clone Wars are dead, long live Rebels!
Seriously tho - Speeder Bike.

But I'll agree with our last statement... has a 20% off code right now.
Too bad they have nothing to use it on. At least, not enough to qualify for free shipping... They have ONE figure I want...
yes, everyone please buy the Apple Iphone 6 or 6+ so I can make some money in the stocks on Monday.
I saw a huge line at my Apple store tonight. I was in the mall to see TUSK, the new Kevin Smith movie. It was ****ED UP! That's all I can say right now. I gotta think about it in my dreams to re-assess...