re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."
That just sounds wrong somehow

Did you buy some of the Ewoks and Droids figures? I considere it from time to time, but the prices generally outweigh my desire to own them
I got some... somewhere. In my ark warehouse of a basement...
So, pretty sure I've lost my damn mind... just preordered the DX Braveheart figure from Iminime to the tune of around $1000
No real justification other than I have made a lot from selling and custom work... but this is roughly double what I've ever spent on a single figure
Holy balls!

I have never spent that much on one collectible, ever. When the realistic Yoda is released, that will be my first mega purchase... Congrats!
The MASH stuff is cool. I like the line because it's usually really cheap, $5-10 each. The best part about the line to me is that they actually had the balls to make a figure of Klinger in women's clothing:
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This one isn't mine though I do have one MOC.
That's awesome!
I don't know. Waller might've put it up his Hermione hole. Does that increase or reduce the value?
Hey all, Long time no talk! How have you all been?
Hey Ryan!!! I hope you'll be around for the Spook chat next month!
Made a lot in tips today. Thank you NFL!
The fund goes up!
You didn't forget the tips on the counter this time?
Stormtrooper back in stock at hasbrotoyshop.
Thanks! Just ordered Ree Yees, Jabba Skiff Guard, Wedge, and 6" Clonetrooper...
Hmmm, Looks like I'll be hitting Kmart this season !
Oh man! I needs that Yoda stuff, perhaps more! I'll be going there this week fo sho!
Finished up Tarkin last night... rest of the figure is just him quickly popped on the Piett figure, but you get the idea. Another incredible sculpt by Caine
They still have Kmarts?
Tarkin looks awesome! Who is Caine? Michael Caine?
There are 3 kmarts to my 2 walmarts here. No TRU and only one Target. Toy life is tough here
That sucks. We have 3 Kmarts left (plus more within 30 min drive), and a gazillion WM and Targets. We have more Targets in Milwaukee than Las Vegas! And 3 full size TRU's... Plus 2 mall TRU Express stores.
Lots of old games.
I spy an NES Empire Strikes Back
I bought that game on Ebay several years ago, and it was stolen from my doorstep. Because it was delivered, the seller was covered. I was screwed. The thief left the empty box behind!
Don't forget the 20% off code!
I used it!
Ugghh.... It is.... Going to order from AE right now. 229.
I bought one off Ebay last week. It was $250 shipped, but they had 10% off in Rewards one day, so really $225. You should see if any Ebay deals pop-up this week...
Well, thankfully I sold a couple sketch cards, which brought the price down to 140.
Your Jabba Sail Barge sketch cards??? Which ones? Did you keep one?
Switched my Speeder Bike over to AE, so that saved some money too.
I paid $24 for mine. Suck it, Sideshow!
That R2 is an insta-buy. Sadly there are no more K-marts anywhere near me.
I can bring one with me to FL if you want!
I can see about grabbing you one and delivering it in November if you'd like. Let me know.
Punk beat me to the punch...
Took new collection pics last night and posted a new thread! Enjoy!
WOWZA! I hate you even more now.