(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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How was the Food & Wine Festival?

Very nice and very hot. Lots of people dressed up this year. I guess doing pseudo incognito Disney costumes is the new thing. Lots of good and new beers. Katrin did well also and forced us to actually sit quite a bit and people watch.

Then kick BACK!!!!! :wink1:

I think I might. Actually gonna go back and talk about hiring a new person for our office. I don't know who would've started handling this morning if I wasn't here. And soon I won't be when the baby is born.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I actually enjoyed the art of the micro-series more than the newer Clone Wars when you go back and look at it.


I liked it because it looks like what a cartoon should be. The other just looked like bad cgi. I really like that cartoon, maybe better than most of the prequels lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I will be there in the first week of Nov for it as well!
What date are you leaving? It sounds like you're just going to miss the big group of us! We arrive on Nov. 10.

I'm just giving you ****. I think it looks fine. :1-1:
I'm still undecided. It looks OK, and doesn't have any grey hair in it (the goatee did). I'll keep it for now. We shall see if I still have it come November...

Has Waller lost his damned mind? :horror
He can't lose what he never had! :lecture

Did you get some?

Cool! It's really good this year. They moved the main Craft Beer booth in to the old Odyssey restaurant. It's a very chill atmosphere inside that's dark and air conditioned and as an added bonus they give you a free mix of wasabi peas, peanuts and cranberries along with some other things. We actually ended up there twice just to hang out and drink.
Not yet, but I scored digits from two different chicks! One of them still looks the same, after 20 years. The other one isn't anywhere near as hot as she used to be, but she still looks nice. But I'd give anything for a night with her 20-year old body! :lol

Wait, did Ken get laid?????
Workin' on it... I had one of em quite drunk that night! But I don't want to take advantage of anyone. I'm too nice of a guy...

Sweet just saved $50 on my Astro headset because of LootCrate!!!
Thanks UT for recommending getting that Crate.
So UT got his crate, posted what he received, and you were still able to purchase that same crate? That's cool. I can't believe they included Astro headsets in there! How'd they know what game system you had? I've been tempted to sign up, but haven't done it yet... What else did you get in the crate?

I'm taping both shows tonight, and I never watch those two...
You only need Family Guy. The Simpsons episode was just a normal ep, and nothing special.

Not complaining, but why would my ebay auction for TWD S1-3 blus, start at...

Listed twice at $50 with no bids, to...
Relisted at a lower price of $40, to...
One bid in a few days, to...
Bidding war between only two unique bidders, taking it up to $70 with a couple days to go! :dunno
Are you complaining? Congrats! I hope they pay...

He-Man and Lion-O | Video | Saturday Night Live | NBC

This is one of the best SNL skits I've seen in forever.
It was OK. But the other skit is MUCH better, for this crowd...

And in other news, I think I have the flu. Either that or the worst cold I've had in a decade.
That sucks. I had a cold which lasted an entire month. I think it may have turned into bronchitis, but it eventually went away on its own, without seeing a doctor, but in hindsight I probably should have. I hope you get better soon! Being sick is never fun...

If anyone has them, it'd be you. :lol
Ahem! :monkey3

If you haven't already watch the whole episode. It's really good. Pratt does a good job as the host and there's even a surprise skit that this thread might enjoy.
That's an understatement!

I NEED ALL!!! I didn;t notice that Pratt played He-Man. I should have known! :slap
Ya, I prefer the "other" role that Pratt plays!

I'm so behind in that show, so no. :(
I watched Simpsons instead.
But Once Upon a Time is Disney!!! What's wrong with you?!?!?!?!

Is it the erectile dysfunction one about Cialis? Waller and gibby and kenben would need that one. :monkey3
Kenbenobi :thwak UTtoyfan

It's been a long time coming, but the iPhone App Game my brother in law and I have been working on is finally released and available now for free in the App Store!

Go check out Beat Down's Battleground and download it!
It's an RPG style game where you build your character's stats and take on missions to go from a new superhero to saving the world and everything in between!

Have a character you created but never did anything with and want to show it off?? Upload it to the game and play as your own creation!

Like it on Facebook and help me get the word out! Thanks!
iTunes! :mad:

Thanks guys. And thanks for the FB like Flosi and UT!
I'll like it tonight. Blocked at work.

that's one of the hardest things.
Are you still talking about The Fappening? :monkey1

I actually enjoyed the art of the micro-series more than the newer Clone Wars when you go back and look at it.
Agreed! I couldn't see any of the images you post. They were all blocked for me. :( I think I can see images posted by everybody else, but for some reason, when you post, they are blocked. You must be linking to an image website which my work doesn't like...

This thread will catch me eventually. :lol
It already caught me. I am not going back to read the posts from last week. I missed pretty much the entire week. I give up! I ain't doin it...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That would be a whole lot of reading. :lol
Yup. And I don't know how to read. So I threw in the towel...

I think FLOSI's 2.0 is broken. I can't access the menu to the subthreads. I can get in the General BS only, since it is listed under "Latest Discussion", but none of the other subthreads. Anyone else have this issue?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ahem! :monkey3

iTunes! :mad:

I'll like it tonight. Blocked at work.

Um yeah, I'm going to need you to bring me a flash drive of those to Florida for me to have. :D

I know... I don't even have an iphone. :( If it takes off we'll code it for Androids as well.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yup. And I don't know how to read. So I threw in the towel...

I think FLOSI's 2.0 is broken. I can't access the menu to the subthreads. I can get in the General BS only, since it is listed under "Latest Discussion", but none of the other subthreads. Anyone else have this issue?

Yeah, we all have been having problems. one of our mods needs to report the problem. I can't even click on a pic to see it in the main forum at the top... it just returns to the forum list. Last week I had to click on the "gallery" tab to get to the forum list?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Dave knows. There is something wrong with the code that opens that. He's working on it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yup. And I don't know how to read. So I threw in the towel...

I think FLOSI's 2.0 is broken. I can't access the menu to the subthreads. I can get in the General BS only, since it is listed under "Latest Discussion", but none of the other subthreads. Anyone else have this issue?

Yeah, I need to PM Dave....

Why did you not do it??? Too many domestic assault adds during NFL games make you gun shy??? ;)