(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm working on something different. Hold please...

I figure if Waller's avatar can always be his "crush," then so can mine… :panic:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

No! Wait, I guess you're alluding to porn as my favorite genre? No!

It's Nicholas Hoult from fury Road, X-Men, and dating J Law fame. :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah I read about that. He played about 3 songs with a medic holding his leg in place, then left the stage and got a cast and came back and finished the show. Tough indeed!
Yes he is! Very cool dude, too, from the interviews I've seen...

Going to JW at 11:30. :rotfl
I am shocked I haven't seen it yet.

I'm. Not going this weekend 
Me neither either. Perhaps tomorrow night? I can't on Tuesday...

I'm seeing the Foo again in August! Can't wait!
Are you sure? They canceled a bunch of shows now...

I'm 12 years old again. Yay Jurassic World! It is the ONLY sequel to Jurassic Park, period. So many nods to the original. I need to see it again! :lol
Of course JP will remain my top film of all time. The dinos looked better to me back then than in this film.
That's strange. I'm watching Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World right NOW. It seems to be a sequel. Hmmmm...

I think I liked Jurassic World a little more than Age of Ultron. It was pretty good.

Found an original Sideshow Leia PF at the local collectible store today. It was $225. Couldn't pass it up at that price.
Great deal! Nice statue...

I'll probably agree by tomorrow! Gonna see it in 3 d.
You saw JW before Fury Road? Weird.

Making progress on my mancave :)

View from the living room:

I put together the Couch and bookshelf today:

And Ive started painting my display cabinet :) and will be picking up the extra tv today :)
Good stuff!

Thank you :)

And the tv is in place :)
Your walls look too bare. You need some SW art or posters or something.

I still can't believe Lando got his own book before Fett?! Come on Marvel, really?
I thought there was a Fett comic already! I remember seeing the vintage figure variant at C2E2.

So, the wife and I just got back from a quick 3 day trip to Colorado. First thing I did after unloading the car was go collect all the mail that was most likely junk anyway. Boy was I wrong!

I open it up and see this -

View attachment 190748

So I quickly get inside, but carefully open it up. With packaging like that, you have to be careful. To my surprise and for absolutely no reason is a very nice note from Thom and this -

View attachment 190749

Thom, thank you very much for this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
That's amazeballs!

No! Wait, I guess you're alluding to porn as my favorite genre? No!

It's Nicholas Hoult from fury Road, X-Men, and dating J Law fame. :lol
Ah, I was right! I guessed it was him, in the Celebration thread. I noticed the new avatar right away... He certainly didn't look attractive in Fury Road, so I'm shocked you are suddenly into him...
Wait a second, he's dating my woman?!?!?!?!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Like I said before, I've never seen the original Mad Max so I wasn't too anxious to see this one, nor was I interested. Then you guys and the critics all liked it, so I'm glad I did. And of course I'll see Jurassic World over Mad Max!!! :p
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

He was. Until August of last year. Now he wants her back, but she's moved on. They are filming an X-Men film together now I guess.

Yeah, I know way too much about Hoult right now. :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That was him in Mad Max!??! So did not realize it was the guy from X Men. haha!!!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Like I said before, I've never seen the original Mad Max so I wasn't too anxious to see this one, nor was I interested. Then you guys and the critics all liked it, so I'm glad I did. And of course I'll see Jurassic World over Mad Max!!! :p
Well, I know you'd CHOOSE JW over Mad Max. But MM has been out for a while now. I just can't believe you haven't seen it YET.

He was. Until August of last year. Now he wants her back, but she's moved on. They are filming an X-Men film together now I guess.

Yeah, I know way too much about Hoult right now. :lol
Yeah, she moved on to ME! :monkey3

That was him in Mad Max!??! So did not realize it was the guy from X Men. haha!!!
Yeppers. And Warm Bodies. And other stuff. He gets around.

Nope. The figure variant is #4 in the SW comic. He'll get his own, just a matter of time.
I dunno. They might wait, cuz he'll probably have the 2nd stand-alone film. They may want to avoid telling a Fett backstory, and save it for the film.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I don't watch many movies in the theaters anymore. They have to be pretty big budget and Michael Bay-ish now for me. I even sold a ton of my blu-rays off that i never watched.
Yes, I am becoming THAT guy. :lol :lol

I've only seen 3 this year: Avengers, Jurassic and Mad Max.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I dunno. They might wait, cuz he'll probably have the 2nd stand-alone film. They may want to avoid telling a Fett backstory, and save it for the film.

Dream crusher.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I started getting the figure variant cover comics. I regret not getting the Boba Fett now.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

A few comments on Jurassic Park 2:

Camilla Belle was the little girl in the beginning of the movie, attacked by the baby dinos! She grew up well!
Ian Abercrombie (Mr. Pitt from Seinfeld/Emperor Palpatine on Clone Wars until he passed) was in the movie as well.

UT, I know you don't like the movie, but it basically followed the King Kong format. If the first Jurassic Park didn't exist, I bet you would have liked it. It wasn't as good as the first, by any means. It's basically "King Kong" with a T-Rex instead of a giant ape.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."


I could have bought it for you at C2E2, and given it to you that night! The artist had it for sale at his table.

Dang. I didn't know it was a C2E2 exclusive. I thought it was just available on his site and when it was gone it was gone. I would've totally taken you up on that. Bummer.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Dang. I didn't know it was a C2E2 exclusive. I thought it was just available on his site and when it was gone it was gone. I would've totally taken you up on that. Bummer.

It wasn't exclusive to the con. He sold some thru his site prior to C2E2. It's definetely a pricy variant now.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I don't watch many movies in the theaters anymore. They have to be pretty big budget and Michael Bay-ish now for me. I even sold a ton of my blu-rays off that i never watched.
Yes, I am becoming THAT guy. :lol :lol

I've only seen 3 this year: Avengers, Jurassic and Mad Max.
