(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Not for autographs. For $99 I'd like to at least touch her ****s.

Come to NJ. For $99 you can touch waaaay more than ****.

Seriously, $99 for her auto is ridiculous. I guess they're going to be jacking up prices to survive now that SW is done.

I think I'm just done paying for autos. I've been an auto collector since childhood but the money these Cons command just isn't worth it to me. Meeting celebrities is the real fun part to me but I guess they're adding that into the costs. Bah! I don't know, I'll stop rambling...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I hate when I see a really great deal and wait until it's too late to place my order. A Godzilla figure that I'd been wanting for awhile now and is normally $160 was $60 yesterday. Was gonna place my order today and it's gone now. :(
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yep, I saw that on one of my Facebook groups. I might check it out a bit this weekend.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Is it me or did HT just reveal a new price for basic figures with Ant-Man being $235?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

My job interview went well but I'm not sure I want the job anymore. The new owners are very nice but the job itself has changed abit, and I'm not sure it will give me the management/leadership experiance that I'm looking for.

With the last owner I was going to be working directly under him and be in charge when he was not present, now I would just be running my part of the store and not be very involved in the overall running of the entire store. Which is exactly what I'm doing now at my current job. And they seem more cautious with money, so the pay situation is uncertain. Might end up earning the same as now, working more and have to commute.
That sucks dude... Well, I spose it's better this happened BEFORE you got the job. Imagine if the old owner hired you, and then they sold to the new owners, and they completely change your duties. You would be PISSED!

Good thing I quit collecting. It looks like Star Ace decided to go with rooted hair for Hermione. She has a plastic band around her head in this picture, but you can tell the hair will be out of control. I know she had big hair in the first movie, but the sculpted hair looked so much better.
Nice try. We know you're secretly gonna buy it, cuz you want to see if she has rooted hair "downstairs" as well...

Just came home from work and got the tv on in the background. Not Another Teen Movie is on.

Chris Evans had come a long way since then.
I had no idea he was in that. I actually saw that movie in the theater in LA! I think it was an advanced screening. I used to go to a lot of those, many months before the movies came out (once 18 months before the film was released).

Is it me or did HT just reveal a new price for basic figures with Ant-Man being $235?
They can go to hell!


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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Kung Fury is ****ING AMAZEBALLS!!! Triceracop FTW
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Sad days.

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They can go to hell!

Well, I'll probably splurge on Han in Stormtrooper Gear, but this new pricing is a bit much. Ant-Man is a fairly straight forward release, I would hate to see what a more complicated character will cost now. :gah:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

EE has the regular Jaws shark in-stock now, so I ordered one. Dunno if I'll get it in time... Fingers are crossed!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Well, I'll probably splurge on Han in Stormtrooper Gear, but this new pricing is a bit much. Ant-Man is a fairly straight forward release, I would hate to see what a more complicated character will cost now. :gah:

I'd say ant mans outfit is fairly complex and with one head sculpt that has a retractable face plate, a Rudd half sculpt, and it lights up... I'd think the light up feature alone adds $20 to the price to make it cost more than Hawkeye or the new Cap.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Kung Fury is ****ING AMAZEBALLS!!! Triceracop FTW
You've seen it? I never heard of it til now...

Well, I'll probably splurge on Han in Stormtrooper Gear, but this new pricing is a bit much. Ant-Man is a fairly straight forward release, I would hate to see what a more complicated character will cost now. :gah:
Luke Trooper is $230. Han will probably be $240. They'll find a reason to raise the price. Yoda will be $250 even though he's short.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That sucks dude... Well, I spose it's better this happened BEFORE you got the job. Imagine if the old owner hired you, and then they sold to the new owners, and they completely change your duties. You would be PISSED!

Yeah I know, good thing it didnt go down like that. They are gonna call me next week so I'll tell them how I feel about it and maybe things will work out. But my gut is telling me no.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You've seen it? I never heard of it til now...

Yeah. I wanted to back the Kickstarter for it but didn't have the $ at the time. It's a fun flick with such great throw backs to the 80's.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Funko is a good company and does crazy things for it's fans, like Sideshow and giving away tons of free stuff to its fans, but I think the fault lies more upon the fans themselves. They're the ones that are truly ruining it for everyone else with their barbaric actions. I've known about FunDays for a few years and it never sounded anything like this in he past. Now if Funko doesn't change it's practices due to this year's fiasco then I would say that Funko can go funk themselves.

I've come to dislike a lot of things in my years but more and more I realize I don't hate a particular team, movie, company, religion, etc. as much as I hate the fans or followers of it. Fanaticism can be a vile and disgusting thing.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

So I read the article and between this and some similar stories I've read recently, I can't believe how low some people's self-regard can fall. It's either proof that our culture has gone to hell or people with mental disorders and/or very low intelligence are over-represented in the collecting demographic.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I've come to dislike a lot of things in my years but more and more I realize I don't hate a particular team, movie, company, religion, etc. as much as I hate the fans or followers of it. Fanaticism can be a vile and disgusting thing.

For $25 I should be able to rep whenever I want. I hope Dave's cheeseburgers have bugs in them.