Yeah, i'm hoping drop the price again soon so i can order it.
You know Adlibris will be getting these? Should be about the same price if you factor in shipping from UK.
Yeah, i'm hoping drop the price again soon so i can order it.
You know Adlibris will be getting these? Should be about the same price if you factor in shipping from UK.
Brandon Alinger posts on Facebook:
"Yesterday we received the first advance copy of the upcoming Abrams publication Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie, co-authored by myself, David Mandel, and Wade Lageose and due for release September 27. We spent more than 18 months working on the two-volume, 800-page set, which includes all known Star Wars art by Ralph McQuarrie. The vast majority of the artwork was re-scanned or re-photographed for the book, and it really shows in the large-format presentation. Having it in hand is a real treat, having invested so much time into it, and we know McQuarrie fans and fans of the making of the films will love it—a weighty 21.5 pounds of McQuarrie brilliance."
Never heard of them but i just checked and Amazon will be slightly cheaper. And a few months ago it was £50 cheaper so i expect Amazon to drop it back down again hopefully soon. They can be really annoying with their prices sometimes.
Aww, dammit jkno! That looks awesome!
Which means I'm gonna have to get it!
Woah! That looks awesome!
Never heard of them but i just checked and Amazon will be slightly cheaper. And a few months ago it was £50 cheaper so i expect Amazon to drop it back down again hopefully soon. They can be really annoying with their prices sometimes.
That's where mine is coming from. Got it for 90.66 pounds shipped... But I do fear it will arrive damaged. I hope they pack it VERY well!!!Yeah, i'm hoping drop the price again soon so i can order it.