(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Just read same spoilery spoiler Waller did, hmm I dunno if I like it.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That Miss Wisconsin looks like a tranny in the face. ..
I don't think so. But of course, you're the tranny expert! So I'll just have to take your word on it... :monkey1

It's one of these:

Oh wow, that's awesome! Is that a pic of yours (ie, it's full of all the posters)?!?!?! :panic: If so, I'm jealous!

Just read same spoilery spoiler Waller did, hmm I dunno if I like it.
LA LA LA LA LA!!! I ain't readin NOTHIN'! NOTHIN' I say!!!!!!!!!!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh wow, that's awesome! Is that a pic of yours (ie, it's full of all the posters)?!?!?! :panic: If so, I'm jealous!!!!

That pic is from eBay. Mine is about 80-90% full. Same box though. A buddy of mine found it at a flea market years ago and I was always jealous of it. Last year he needed to make room so he finally offered to sell it to me. There's one more store display that I would kill to have:

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm watching the extended version of Muppets Most Wanted now. I'm impressed at how much new stuff they added to the beginning. I got a stiffy right now!
I should buy some Muppets collectibles this weekend to celebrate....
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That pic is from eBay. Mine is about 80-90% full. Same box though. A buddy of mine found it at a flea market years ago and I was always jealous of it. Last year he needed to make room so he finally offered to sell it to me. There's one more store display that I would kill to have:

I'm jealous of your Indy collection. If I should happen to kill you, I mean, er, if you should happen to die, I'll have to contact your widow to "buy that worthless crap" from her. :monkey3
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm watching the extended version of Muppets Most Wanted now. I'm impressed at how much new stuff they added to the beginning. I got a stiffy right now!
I should buy some Muppets collectibles this weekend to celebrate....

which one is extended? i wonder what version i watched yesterday?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

GotG was even better the second time :lecture :rock

Wanna see it again.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm watching the extended version of Muppets Most Wanted now. I'm impressed at how much new stuff they added to the beginning. I got a stiffy right now!

We're watching that tonight.

GotG was even better the second time :lecture :rock

Wanna see it again.

I'm jealous of your Indy collection. If I should happen to kill you, I mean, er, if you should happen to die, I'll have to contact your widow to "buy that worthless crap" from her. :monkey3

Hahahaha, she already knows better than that. :lol

You haven't even seen my Indy collection so you can't get jealous yet. It'll be the first thing I put up in the new office. You can save the jealousy for then ;)

I'm jealous of the guys with the really good custom 12" stuff like Flosi and GB. Maybe once all is settled I'll look into getting some done.
Funny story... This morning after dropping my daughters off at camp I hit up a few garage sales. The last one I stop at I find a Nintendo 64 system with all the hookups and 2 crappy games for $20. Unfortunately there was no controller. I asked the lady if she had it anywhere and she said no. I then asked if she would take $15 for it since the controller was missing. She looked at me like I had 5 heads and said "but it's got a game with it!" To which I replied, "what good is having the game if I can't even play it?" She didn't like that too much and snarled $18 under her breath which I happily paid. People are such idiots. These same people have had a garage sale once a month for the last 4 years and it's the same crap over and over. They have a horribly beat up NES that they want $150 for and a just as bad SNES for $60. They've been sitting there for 2 years! The only reason I stop there is because every once in a while they'll dig something out that's actually worth it, like the N64.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Funny story... This morning after dropping my daughters off at camp I hit up a few garage sales. The last one I stop at I find a Nintendo 64 system with all the hookups and 2 crappy games for $20. Unfortunately there was no controller. I asked the lady if she had it anywhere and she said no. I then asked if she would take $15 for it since the controller was missing. She looked at me like I had 5 heads and said "but it's got a game with it!" To which I replied, "what good is having the game if I can't even play it?" She didn't like that too much and snarled $18 under her breath which I happily paid. People are such idiots. These same people have had a garage sale once a month for the last 4 years and it's the same crap over and over. They have a horribly beat up NES that they want $150 for and a just as bad SNES for $60. They've been sitting there for 2 years! The only reason I stop there is because every once in a while they'll dig something out that's actually worth it, like the N64.

Cliff's Notes for Chase:

Titus stalks people's garage sales for years.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Is Chase building a case against me?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Love... That...Movie!

During my early twenties I would put that on every weekend night when I got home drunk (or play DOOM).

I find the first half the funniest **** ever but once Christina Ricci shows up it's a total divebomb.

Still, my friends and I quote it non-stop.

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