(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Holy Bea Arthur's ****! GTFO you dweebs!!!!

Do you think this Bea Arthur can save you from the wrath of Zod? Do you name him as your champion? Zod has done his research on this Bea Arthur--and Zod does not fear him. Do you hear me?

zod bea arthur.JPG
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Greetings, dwellers of the newly liberated Phantom Zone. You shall celebrate this morning in a most glorious way, by kneeling before Zod!! He demands it.

MadCow will kneel, Bea Arthur's **** will be reanimated from the grave and it will kneel.
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The Phantom Zone is returning to orbit to search for a new home

zod bore me.gif

Zod is bored with this thread that was taken over so easily. He desires a challenge and the time has come to find a new place to conquer. Also, the Cantina members are returning from Celebration. Zod knows this because he has a heightened sense of smell, and the stench of the convention sweat they've built up over 4 days is strong in them. I believe they call this "The Force" in that it forces those around them to desire to be elsewhere. If Zod remains in the Cantina, he will not only be bored but his clothing will soon reek and Ursa will shun his advances--and that is unacceptable.

Even though Zod did not receive a drawing of the crusty Emperor from the Artisan YoNoSe, he is leaving somewhat content with the picture expressing Darth Waller's love for Zod. Zod is not one to get sentimental, but he will cherish this symbol of loyalty and subjugation from the ancient Waller.

kneeling drawing.jpg

In time, The Phantom Zone will find a new thread to conquer. All loyal subjects of Zod need not fear--Zod is always near. Be ever vigilant for Zod can reappear at a moment's notice. Remain kneeling until Zod is out of sight--then give it another 5 minutes just to be sure.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

...Irony?.. pun intended
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The Phantom Zone is returning to orbit to search for a new home

View attachment 180320

Zod is bored with this thread that was taken over so easily. He desires a challenge and the time has come to find a new place to conquer. Also, the Cantina members are returning from Celebration. Zod knows this because he has a heightened sense of smell, and the stench of the convention sweat they've built up over 4 days is strong in them. I believe they call this "The Force" in that it forces those around them to desire to be elsewhere. If Zod remains in the Cantina, he will not only be bored but his clothing will soon reek and Ursa will shun his advances--and that is unacceptable.

Even though Zod did not receive a drawing of the crusty Emperor from the Artisan YoNoSe, he is leaving somewhat content with the picture expressing Darth Waller's love for Zod. Zod is not one to get sentimental, but he will cherish this symbol of loyalty and subjugation from the ancient Waller.

In time, The Phantom Zone will find a new thread to conquer. All loyal subjects of Zod need not fear--Zod is always near. Be ever vigilant for Zod can reappear at a moment's notice. Remain kneeling until Zod is out of sight--then give it another 5 minutes just to be sure.


Hail, Zod! We shall find a more worthy place, and make its inhabitants kneel! Farewell, dwellers of FLOSI'S Cantina! :wave

:lol :duff

My 3 year old loves to play characters.

He sounds like a fine young lad; a most worthy subject for Zod's glorious army. Bring him henceforth, and submit him as tribute! Zod demands it.
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The Phantom Zone is returning to orbit to search for a new home

View attachment 180320

Zod is bored with this thread that was taken over so easily. He desires a challenge and the time has come to find a new place to conquer. Also, the Cantina members are returning from Celebration. Zod knows this because he has a heightened sense of smell, and the stench of the convention sweat they've built up over 4 days is strong in them. I believe they call this "The Force" in that it forces those around them to desire to be elsewhere. If Zod remains in the Cantina, he will not only be bored but his clothing will soon reek and Ursa will shun his advances--and that is unacceptable.

Even though Zod did not receive a drawing of the crusty Emperor from the Artisan YoNoSe, he is leaving somewhat content with the picture expressing Darth Waller's love for Zod. Zod is not one to get sentimental, but he will cherish this symbol of loyalty and subjugation from the ancient Waller.

In time, The Phantom Zone will find a new thread to conquer. All loyal subjects of Zod need not fear--Zod is always near. Be ever vigilant for Zod can reappear at a moment's notice. Remain kneeling until Zod is out of sight--then give it another 5 minutes just to be sure.

All hail General Zod, I kneel before him :bow Dare not incur the wrath of ye Zod, or thou be rekt. And for those who believe Zod shan't find ye

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Hmm...........this kinda reminds me of when the kurgans were running amok............without the intimidation.....:lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

*Note to self: some members of the Cantina have zero sense of humor*

I told Flosi I was taking over the Cantina as a joke while everyone was gone for Celebration and I'd be out of it Sunday. It was a funny little prank that didn't hurt anyone and yet somehow that warrants being called a "dumb-****" and Deak threatens to delete the thread? I've interacted with most of the Cantina members outside of the thread and have never been malicious toward any of them so get over yourselves. If other members of this forum aren't allowed to post in the Cantina without permission then lock it up when you leave--surely there are enough mods that frequent this thread that you could do it. I hope everyone had fun at Celebration (as I said in my first post) and will somehow get over the massive trauma my posting as Zod has caused to those with delicate sensibilities. If necessary, I can start a counseling thread.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Wow, this Zod stuff is... dumb. Keep it up and I'll delete this thread.

the joke is over, it wasn't meant to be more than a couple of days , I wouldn't dare be here once everyone comes back. we will all go back to our caves and basements lol. I do promise i won't post any more ponies or puppies, pinky swear :bow im not coming back here, bye :wave
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

*Note to self: some members of the Cantina have zero sense of humor*

I told Flosi I was taking over the Cantina as a joke while everyone was gone for Celebration and I'd be out of it Sunday. It was a funny little prank that didn't hurt anyone and yet somehow that warrants being called a "dumb-****" and Deak threatens to delete the thread? I've interacted with most of the Cantina members outside of the thread and have never been malicious toward any of them so get over yourselves. If other members of this forum aren't allowed to post in the Cantina without permission then lock it up when you leave--surely there are enough mods that frequent this thread that you could do it. I hope everyone had fun at Celebration (as I said in my first post) and will somehow get over the massive trauma my posting as Zod has caused to those with delicate sensibilities. If necessary, I can start a counseling thread.
As someone that posts here only infrequently, I would say the joke went on way too long, to the point of being annoying. (Personally I was hoping FLOSI was going to put a stop to it... I mean, gah, how many pages of being "Zod" is entertaining to you?) Once you get people getting pissed-off, it might have been the decent thing to do to stop. You have no rights to keep a stupid joke going way longer than is funny and then blame others for having no sense of humour. First post was amusing. Should have ended there unless people joined in of their own volition.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Note to General Zod guy, try harder. If it were funny, I'd laugh.

Note to Deak guy, as much as I'd love to keep going, the other day I told Flosi I'd stop Sunday and I did. I posted for four days and none of the regular Cantina members asked me to stop. A couple popped in and made smartass comments, which is normal in here, and that's it. If Flosi had asked me to quit I would have. I had plenty of people messaging me to tell me it was funny, regardless of what you or Invictus thinks, and had other people participating as well. There's so many ways you could have gone about dealing with this but threatening to delete the thread wasn't one I would have thought was an option. If I were you I would have asked me to stop if you didn't like it or just gone with it and temporarily changed the name of the thread to The Phantom Zone :lol

Instead of continuing to blow this out of proportion in the thread, PM me if you have anything else to get off your chest. Or even better, talk to the other Cantina members in your private message board and come to a consensus about which grievances you'd like to air out. Then pick a representative and have them get in touch with me. I'm actually curious about which members think this was a big deal and which ones understand it was just a prank.

Another note for you, when you PM me don't use "General Zod guy" because it won't go through. The name is GeneralZodLives.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

As someone that posts here only infrequently, I would say the joke went on way too long, to the point of being annoying. (Personally I was hoping FLOSI was going to put a stop to it... I mean, gah, how many pages of being "Zod" is entertaining to you?) Once you get people getting pissed-off, it might have been the decent thing to do to stop. You have no rights to keep a stupid joke going way longer than is funny and then blame others for having no sense of humour. First post was amusing. Should have ended there unless people joined in of their own volition.
Not everyone was pissed off. Regardless, I think simply asking him to stop would have been a better way to go about things than resorting to name calling.

I was very impressed with his "performance" and found it amusing from the first to last post. :lol

It was all in good fun.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."


Maybe I just don't get the Zod joke.