(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh, and Mark Hamill getting "friendly" with my wife was probably the greatest moment of my life :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Agreed. What we should have got would have been the best Star Wars figure yet (solicited or shipped.
Yeah, seeing X-Wing Luke in person was pretty sick, but knowing it will probably be a big step down in production is a bummer. That figure is ****ing amazing! At least the separate eye system won't be involved.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You'll always be magical jay to me. [emoji38]
I'm surprised Commander Cody wasn't already taken.
I was surprised to!
JJJ, Cody, Devil... I got your crap to ship, been crazy busy. I will get it done soon though.
Yea no rush bro! Still reorganizing things
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."


He said Sideshow hasn't abandoned the separate eye thing, but are looking for a different factory who can do better with production. So it could be back in later figures :dunno
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh no!!!!

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I think he might be in the Facebook group, but I know you don't do Facebook.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

He posted on there once or twice and hasn't come back. I think he misses King.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'll be so damn glad when schools over. I need a break from some of the stupid ****ing kids I'm dealing with this year. Jeez
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Angie and I are hitting Vegas as well as I mentioned. :)

Yeah, sorry. I was overwhelmed with the number of freaks there. I do remember that! ;)

Vegas trip/meeting in 2016? When and where?

In Vegas. In 2015! :lol

I'm hoping to get a check from Mr. Waldeck soon. I'm sure he's just super busy.

How are your cards coming along? You're probably still decompressing from Celebration I guess.

He was working on them there. I saw an awesome Grievous. :D

I think he means this year, 2015... I did.

Yep! I'm here all year. Come on out freaks!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I was upset on missing out on that shirt.

They were sold out the first day and never re-stocked my size. Oh well.
I had the TFA shirt in my arms, as well as the fett hoodie... I guess I shouldn't have abandoned the line. I just didn't feel like waiting 2-3 hours and skipping the RFR party I had paid for. I wish I hadn't paid for any parties this year. Then I'd have all my store stuff, and would have been at the barbecue...

Not to mention trying to make the registers work over wi-fi instead of having them hard wired to a hub ? I mean really? WTF !
Is that one of the reasons they were so friggin slow??? Ugh.

I miss you all I think I have PCS, Post Celebration Sadness.
How did I not meet you? Weren't you supposed to be at the Freaks party?

Some of you cali folks need to at least come down for the SSF party at SDCC.
I miss SDCC. But I couldn't get tix this year, and won't be trying next year due to Celebration Europe...

I believe these people have planned to come visit Vegas this year...
Triple J
King Darkness! :horror
I'd be open to a group Freaks trip to Vegas! :yess: Like the Orlando trip last year! :hi5:

Well, I was just strictly talking about the exclusives I was trying to get there as that was the topic of conversation. I wanted to see the Force Awakens stuff upstairs and got locked out of that due to the hella long line.

That being said, it was nice to see California, spend some time with you guys for the short time I was able, and go to Frank & Sons. It's too bad I was kinda sick the whole time.
I missed the TFA props as well, and I was working directly across from it all friggin weekend! :gah:
I hope you still had fun, and don't regret going.

Vegas trip/meeting in 2016? When and where?
We missed you, Jay!!!

Looks like I picked the wrong time to get back into 1/6 - all signs pointing towards my department being eliminated. :panic:

We are financially stable but with the summer coming up, my wife's income dries up for 2 months.

Anybody need SSC Hothies before I throw them to the rabble? Going to be unloading some stuff for the "just in case" fund.
Oh no!!! That really sucks. For your sake, I hope it doesn't happen. But it's good that you're preparing for it, just in case...

Ah gotcha. Well, it's like a part of you is still with me... I think I caught part of your cold. :lol
That sucks. One of my roomies got sick as well. I hope you get it out of your system by C2E2!
Oh, BTW, check the Reed Supply Co store at C2E2 on Friday, just in case they magically found some Celebration stuff to sell, like TFA tshirts. I'd take XXL or XL! :lecture If they have any Celebration stuff, besides the Ackbar sushi set, let us know! You may have to do some shoppin for us! :pray:

I didn't make it into the store til Saturday afternoon; by that time most of what I would've bought was gone.
On Sunday, it was slim pickens. Totally wiped. I'm really hoping some of the stuff goes up for sale online.

Thought I would post this as some of you might be interested.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Smaug Large Scale Poseable Action Figure $30
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies™ Smaug™ Large Scale Poseable Action Figure |* WBshop.com
Good deal. I let a friend of mine know, who collects LOTR/Hobbit stuff...

Yeah I ate at that potato place which was horrendous was 35 bucks for some French fries half a "Tomato basil grilled cheese" and a fanta. I doubt I'll ever eat that roach coach stuff again. "Gourmet Food Truck" my *** I feel like my wallet needs trauma therapy. Not to mention it was soo bad that it was 2 cold pieces of bread with lukewarm unmelted cheese some ketchup like sauce and I got sick and couldn't go to the party that night.
I never ate lunch or breakfast any day. No trucks or food court for me.

When you fill out your surveys
Please add a suggestion for a race/run
Would love to have an official celebration medal
Anybody have a link to the survey handy? I didn't get it, cuz I didn't buy a ticket. I definitely want to comment on this travesty of a store...

Check out the name!! Bye bye themlgcjfhjgcvchjay
I noticed that earlier! Congrats on your "promotion"! :hi5:

You'll always be magical jay to me. :lol
I'm surprised Commander Cody wasn't already taken.
Ya, I'm shocked it was available. It's totally the perfect name for Cody, since that's his real name, and he's military.

He posted on there once or twice and hasn't come back.
That describes me as well! I haven't been back to the Facebook group in forever. I don't like FB... I'm glad Thom came back here...