(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I look forward to the upcoming McQuarrie book, part of the SW art series. I will get the LE, which comes with prints. I have all of them so far.

Didn't they already do a Concept book as part of the Art series? Would be cool if this upcoming one is McQuarrie only.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ok this Vader Anovos Helm has consumed my thoughts all day and I really want him now. The EFX one is to expensive and GB is strong in the force to get his so ill settle for this. Listing Ebay items tonight.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I look forward to the upcoming McQuarrie book, part of the SW art series. I will get the LE, which comes with prints. I have all of them so far.

Which books are part of the art series and had LEs?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Any freaks from South Carolina ?
I am going there next week with the family. ...wondering if there is anything we should do/see besides the beach.
My wife loves historical sites
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I suggest Savannah, GA for history. It's just across the border, but it really depends on where you are staying. We spent a week with my family on St. Helena Island, so it wasn't far for a day trip, for M and myself to escape the rest for a day.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I look forward to the upcoming McQuarrie book, part of the SW art series. I will get the LE, which comes with prints. I have all of them so far.

Are you talking about the one thats coming out next year? I didnt know they had even listed a LE version or any version. It looks very good, I did go to that panel.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

They mentioned in the panel that there would be a limited version as well, but that both would have everything. I'm sure I'll spring for the limited, since it's all McQuarrie. I don't really understand the limited releases of all these books, except that of course it's Star Wars, and as fans we have been conditioned. But most of them just end up being maybe a slip cover and an autograph from Rinzler!


But like I said, I'm a sucker for McQuarrie...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Didn't they already do a Concept book as part of the Art series? Would be cool if this upcoming one is McQuarrie only.
Yes, they did a Concept book. The upcoming book is entirely McQuarrie.

Which books are part of the art series and had LEs?
I can't remember them all off-hand, but ALL of the art books had LE's. I believe one sold out, but most are still available. They had a booth at Celebration, selling them for $250 each, which is a good deal. They retail for $400 each, and can rarely be had for under $280 (30% off). Here are links to Amazon. One is currently a bargain for $213:
Art Concept - Amazon.com: Star Wars Art: Concept (Limited Edition) (9781419708657): Lucasfilm Ltd, Ryan Church, Doug Chiang, Erik Tiemens, Joe Johnston, Fox Paw Inc.: Books
Art Illustration - Amazon.com: Star Wars Art: Illustration (Limited Edition) (9781419704314): Lucasfilm Ltd, Steven Heller, Howard Roffman: Books
Art Posters - Amazon.com: Star Wars Art: Posters (Limited Edition) (9781419714016): Lucasfilm Ltd, Roger Kastel, Drew Struzan: Books
Art Comics - Star Wars Art: Comics: Douglas Wolk, Virginia Mecklenburg, Dennis O'Neil: 9781419700774: Amazon.com: Books
I'm pretty sure there is one more, but I can't remember the name...

Are you talking about the one thats coming out next year? I didnt know they had even listed a LE version or any version. It looks very good, I did go to that panel.
Yes, that's the one. There will definitely be a LE. The LE usually has 64 more pages, and 4-5 prints inside (usually signed, but obviously they can't for McQuarrie).

They mentioned in the panel that there would be a limited version as well, but that both would have everything. I'm sure I'll spring for the limited, since it's all McQuarrie. I don't really understand the limited releases of all these books, except that of course it's Star Wars, and as fans we have been conditioned. But most of them just end up being maybe a slip cover and an autograph from Rinzler!

But like I said, I'm a sucker...
They are certainly over-priced, but very limited, so I sprung for them all. They started out limited to 500, then 400, then 350, then 300, then 250... IIRC. Each book is more limited than the book before.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Wish you hadn't posted those links Ken. Weak am I, but also, broke am I. So I think I'm safe...

I'll be all in for the Ralph edition though.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

As I hope this will be the definitive Mcquarrie book. So I'm in.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

As I hope this will be the definitive Mcquarrie book. So I'm in.

The definitive McQuarrie book was published by Dreams & Visions Press in 2007, with a nice supplement of non-Star Wars artwork published this year of course...


But, yeah, I'm still getting the new edition. ;)
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The definitive McQuarrie book was published by Dreams & Visions Press in 2007, with a nice supplement of non-Star Wars artwork published this year of course...


But, yeah, I'm still getting the new edition. ;)
I agree theirs is the best overall one but this new one will be the best SW one.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Good morning peeps!

Interview went very well! Met with a Supervisor and was asked to stay to meet the manager. Lot's of "oh, good!" answers when they asked about my experience.

Fingers crossed, thanks for all the good vibes!!!!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Good morning peeps!

Interview went very well! Met with a Supervisor and was asked to stay to meet the manager. Lot's of "oh, good!" answers when they asked about my experience.

Fingers crossed, thanks for all the good vibes!!!!

Excellent! :rock