Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection **Princess Leia Organa**

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Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

What are your thoughts on Indy, Rich? I've got him in my "Pile" at BBTS, but am still debating if I should keep it or trade it for store credit toward Jack Sparrow or something.

Pretty sure that I'm a bigger Indy fan than you are, Sam, but I'd say pass... I'm not thrilled with Indy at all.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Though I don't post so much in the Indy section, Raiders is one of my top 20 movies and I have a lot of nostalgia for it from my childhood. Though I have the Sideshow version with a repaint, his clothing sucks, so I was thinking of getting Indy for that alone. . .bah. I may end up passing on him.

Man your boy is getting big as well, I see him on the coffee cup! :rock
Can't be too big if he fits on a coffee cup, IMO.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Sorry to hear that, Rich. I just about pulled the trigger last week, just so I could have a completed Indy in my collection (my damn custom will never be finished :(), but ultimately resisted. I was so damn close though...
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

I'm just trying to lift Rich's spirits from his Indy experience. :lecture

:rock He's three now... It's awesome to have full on conversations with him. He starts pre school Monday. :(

You know, I knew I was going to be getting Indy, Superman and Cap this quarter, so it's not like one of those impulse buys that I regret. I do like the figure, but it could have been better.

Though I don't post so much in the Indy section, Raiders is one of my top 20 movies and I have a lot of nostalgia for it from my childhood. Though I have the Sideshow version with a repaint, his clothing sucks, so I was thinking of getting Indy for that alone. . .bah. I may end up passing on him.

Can't be too big if he fits on a coffee cup, IMO.

Yeah, Raiders is top 5 for me, easily. It's mixed in somewhere with the OT and LOTR trilogy.

Sorry to hear that, Rich. I just about pulled the trigger last week, just so I could have a completed Indy in my collection (my damn custom will never be finished :(), but ultimately resisted. I was so damn close though...

You'd be disappointed, Dane. All of your figures are so meticulously pieced together I could only imagine you'd be let down with this Indy. For 250 it's just not up to par.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Yeah, Raiders is top 5 for me, easily. It's mixed in somewhere with the OT and LOTR trilogy.
As I think about it, it may well be a top 10 for me. I love that character, but I'll hesitate to buy figures from even my favorite movie if I don't think it is good enough. Ghostbusters might be my favorite movie ever, and I bought and sold those 12 inchers because they just didn't cut it.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Bit disappointed to hear your views on Indy, not that I'm disagreeing but I've not received mine yet. I was so hoping HT were going to tweak his sculpt. Looks like he'll be on the bottom shelf then :(
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Bit disappointed to hear your views on Indy, not that I'm disagreeing but I've not received mine yet. I was so hoping HT were going to tweak his sculpt. Looks like he'll be on the bottom shelf then :(

It could just be that I'm being overly critical... Trust me, the whole thing looks great, and if I never owned an Indy figure before this I'd probably be thrilled. Put it this way, it's the best Indy ever made by a wide margin, that's not even debatable.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Cool Indy stunt double, Buttflossi, you gonna get a actual Indiana Jones figure to go with it?
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Cool Indy stunt double, Buttflossi, you gonna get a actual Indiana Jones figure to go with it?
Oh. . . . . . . . . . . . .snap.

Rich, I don't know if you have seen the Warriors Gate digital sculpts in the custom section, but their Solo is turning out to be one of the best looking Fords I've seen:



They have a thread on Indy who will be coming up soon, and they are soliciting ideas for facial expressions. Could be a nice replacement for the Hot Toys one. Slap that HT outfit/accessories and a nice custom head on a Narrow Shoulder TrueType, and you may have a very worthy Indy figure. That's the mentality I'm using to justify my buying the Hot Toys version.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Cool Indy stunt double, Buttflossi, you gonna get a actual Indiana Jones figure to go with it?

Already got one... Just added the stunt double to get that sense of completeness. :yess:

Oh. . . . . . . . . . . . .snap.

Rich, I don't know if you have seen the Warriors Gate digital sculpts in the custom section, but their Solo is turning out to be one of the best looking Fords I've seen:



They have a thread on Indy who will be coming up soon, and they are soliciting ideas for facial expressions. Could be a nice replacement for the Hot Toys one. Slap that HT outfit/accessories and a nice custom head on a Narrow Shoulder TrueType, and you may have a very worthy Indy figure. That's the mentality I'm using to justify my buying the Hot Toys version.

I honestly like my SS custom quite a bit... It just needs a good jacket.

Original Trev sculpt painted by Boot25 on a Narrow TT.

your collection is pretty awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Dude! I appreciate that! :clap
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Well I decided to cancel the Indy I had at BBTS, in part because of your advice here Rich. $220 is a lot of scratch for something I doubt I will be happy with and/or will have to use as custom material. I would still like to upgrade to those clothes at some point, but I'm not sure I'm willing to pay what they cost.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

You probably made the right choice on not getting Indy... I bought one and in hand just did not like the figure. Many of the pieces are great though, but its a lot of money for kit-bash fodder.

My plan is to wait for the flood of parted out figures to die down then sell off everything except for the shoes, hands, clothing (but selling the jacket) and some accessories. Hopefully I can come close to breaking even that way.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

I do think the component parts of this figure (and thus, the figure itself) will be worth more down the line for that reason alone. And I hope I don't regret it later, asking myself why I didn't buy those shoes before they cost $70 or something :lol

These damn toys can make you nuts :lecture
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

They really can. Since I'm selling the head, body and some other pieces I think I'll at least get most of my investment back.
Re: Flosi's Sexy F'n 1/6th Collection

Neat figure. But the real question is :What is your kid doing with his feet there? :lol

My son has about a million guns. That's a small M-16 he's holding in his feet there. :lol It looks like he's watching Pinochhio (SP?), so he might be shooting Jimminey Cricket, who's breaking and entering into Jippetto's place.

Well I decided to cancel the Indy I had at BBTS, in part because of your advice here Rich. $220 is a lot of scratch for something I doubt I will be happy with and/or will have to use as custom material. I would still like to upgrade to those clothes at some point, but I'm not sure I'm willing to pay what they cost.

You know Sam, though I was disappointed initially with Indy he's really grown on me. I still don't think it's worth the price though. I mean, HT is giving us a second figure with the Luke release for 50 more than people paid for Indy.

congrates on indy Flosi

good eyes Mag

Thanks, Lord! :rock

Got a Greedo last week that I need to take pictures of, Superman shipped yesterday and should be in my hands next Wednesday and it's Captain America after that, but that should close out my 2011... Unless Santa brings me something nice. :D