Force Unleased Stormtrooper Commander

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Well look.... I'm not going to insult you just because our opinions differ or even because you're treating me in this way. I'm not going to bring myself down to your level. That's not an insult just a factual observation of your decision to be that way.

I was just posting my observations of a certain post. The helmet with the "sculpting issues" was the 12" Utapau helmet sculpt from Revenge of the Sith. This sculpt is based on the Stormtrooper sculpt from A New Hope and repainted to match the same helmet which was used for the Stormtrooper Commanders in The Force Unleashed. Referencing a helmet discussion that had/has absolutely nothing at all to do with this release or it's original source is relevant how?

EDIT: Nice attempted save of your fumbled post. A few pages back, your "uh..." post, you didn't even know what you were talking about. I wasn't the only one who caught it either as jedistarkiller caught it as well.
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This clearly was not Sideshow's idea. It smacks of Lucasfilm's marketing strategies, seriously. They really want to cross-promote that game. So, so much money went into making it, and they really need to get as much back as they can. I wouldn't be at all surprised of there were people at Sideshow banging their heads against the wall, muttering through gritted teeth, "Why!? Why!? Why!?" :bang

Still, for what it's worth, it's gonna be accepted as a "cool" figure any way you look at it. The painted clones were a nice touch in the PT, and seeing this figure sort of connect the different phases of clones is a nice touch.

Personally, I find fault with the design. At first tease, it's a radical departure from the more uniform and symmetrical paint schemes on the PT Clones. But that's not Sideshow's fault.

I might get it. The final proto pics will help me decide. Until then, I'm a definite maybe on this one.
I never brought up the Utapau clone helmet in this thread. I believe the Stormtrooper sculpt has issues. So does the CG design from this videogame but it seems more accurate.

Nice attempted save of your fumbled post. A few pages back, your "uh..." post, you didn't even know what you were talking about. I wasn't the only one who caught it either as jedistarkiller caught it as well.

yeah. you really got me there :rotfl

This clearly was not Sideshow's idea. It smacks of Lucasfilm's marketing strategies, seriously. They really want to cross-promote that game. So, so much money went into making it, and they really need to get as much back as they can. I wouldn't be at all surprised of there were people at Sideshow banging their heads against the wall, muttering through gritted teeth, "Why!? Why!? Why!?" :bang

Still, for what it's worth, it's gonna be accepted as a "cool" figure any way you look at it. The painted clones were a nice touch in the PT, and seeing this figure sort of connect the different phases of clones is a nice touch.

Personally, I find fault with the design. At first tease, it's a radical departure from the more uniform and symmetrical paint schemes on the PT Clones. But that's not Sideshow's fault.

I might get it. The final proto pics will help me decide. Until then, I'm a definite maybe on this one.

That or Sideshow might just possibly be throwing a bone to the fans of the game. Remember the Simon Pegg interview? Klauder loves the game too as do, I'm sure, other SS employees, so inspiration might have also been internal. I can see this piece testing the waters for future TFU releases. It's relatively inexpensive to design as it's basically a repaint and it fits perfectly with characters from that game. If people snatch it up, there's potential for future releases from the game.
im all for troopers and army building but give me some sandtroppers, snowtroppers, or more clones. not this stuff. it's kinda ugly actually. especially the stripe on the mask. not for me.
One thing not yet uttered here, so I'll go ahead:

KOTOR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TFU.

So, if they insist on making figures based on characters from EU games...
WOW..lots of hate in here for this...Yet, it will sell out in quickly...I still on the fence on this...

I like it...but not sure if I want another EU charater....I dont understand Sideshows direction sometimes...
What are the odds that we see a Blackhole Stormtrooper as a variant around release of the original Stormie?
Well I for one don't hate this figure, there are just other characters from TFU and EU in general I'd rather see instead. Starkiller, Shadow Guard and almost any KOTOR character beging among them. But as severall have stated, hopefully this means SS has a Starkiller figure planned down the road.
Well I for one don't hate this figure, there are just other characters from TFU and EU in general I'd rather see instead. Starkiller, Shadow Guard and almost any KOTOR character beging among them. But as severall have stated, hopefully this means SS has a Starkiller figure planned down the road.

The good thing for this means you won't get a stand alone figure. Nothing worse than lines with no-one to pose you figure up against. Its part of the death of the LOTR line.

No villains = FAIL