Freaktacular 2017

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Freaktacular 2016

(Correct answer - 1 +1)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk and very bad typing skilks, so please excuse anyp mi
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Give her a break

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk and very bad typing skilks, so please excuse anyp misspellinfs!
"Break me off a piece of that KitKat bar!"
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Don't forget about this Kat:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk and very bad typing skilks, so please excuse anyp misspellinfs!
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Since another contest ran right during mine, I'm ending it with only 1 winner and making Jamie the winner...Jamie, there are 6 cats in this gif...I have 6.

Phoenix, Bailey, Riley, Zoë, Wash and Kaylee.

You can choose which one you want. The other movie will just have to wait. Sorry all.

Jamie, if you don't want 1, you can pass it along to any freak of your choice who participated.
Freaktacular 2016

Fun contest Buffy! Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk and very bad typing skilks, so please excuse anyp misspellinfs!
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Congrats Jamie! 6 would have been my next guess. I knew about Zoe, Riley, Phoenix, and another one I thought was referred to as "Boo"... I wasn't sure beyond that... Nice contest!
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Since another contest ran right during mine, I'm ending it with only 1 winner and making Jamie the winner...Jamie, there are 6 cats in this gif...I have 6.

Phoenix, Bailey, Riley, Zoë, Wash and Kaylee.

You can choose which one you want. The other movie will just have to wait. Sorry all.

Jamie, if you don't want 1, you can pass it along to any freak of your choice who participated.

Haha awesome, thanks BG!! I wasn't really playing, just having fun with the cat gifs :)

What's the prize again? Digital code for a movie? Will it work in Canada? I know how finicky those are. If not, I'll pick a Freak who wants to win my affection lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Since another contest ran right during mine, I'm ending it with only 1 winner and making Jamie the winner...Jamie, there are 6 cats in this gif...I have 6.

Phoenix, Bailey, Riley, Zoë, Wash and Kaylee.

You can choose which one you want. The other movie will just have to wait. Sorry all.

Jamie, if you don't want 1, you can pass it along to any freak of your choice who participated.
Thanks for the contest BG!

Bailey and Zoe! I really like those names. :hi5: