Awesome contest...this is a Spook one for sure!
My brother and I used to wrestle when we were was like...a mix of, well it was pretty much all fake...scripted in my mind. I kind of called out matches, and we'd fake hit, use pillows as chairs and such. We were always yelled at when we did it in the living room, which was the room that was "for company" when I was growing know that weird room that parents have that nobody ever sits in, even when company comes over?
Well it had the most open space in the area away from the coffee table and couches and such, so it was always the best place to do it. It also had the least used carpet, which had some nice give, so I'm sure that had something to do with it also.

So even after being told countless times not to wrestle in the house period, let alone in that room, my parents were out on a Saturday...maybe a Sunday, it was the weekend chores they were out doing, so this is when the stuff we weren't supposed to do happened.
So they were out and we were wrestling, and acting it all out as usual. Of course, we got a bit carried away, and we both ended up falling through the coffee table and breaking it. That...was a bad moment.

That was one of those classic growing up moments when you're like, "Oh mother of god, we're so screwed." because you're kids, and the world is run by your parents.
Needless to say, wrestling stopped for a while (not altogether though! We even taped some future "matches"...and I'm not sure if it would've been cool to have that on tape, or worse to have the evidence of how bad it was at the time

) and we got grounded. I can still perfectly picture the leg giving out on it...just totally's like we did them a favour. What company wants to put coffee on a table that so easily breaks from two people landing on it?
Man, I hadn't thought about that in a long memories. The bad results that are definitely bad at the time, but make you smile to look back upon.