Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2016

Awesome prize
When I was new at the Post Office, I was being trained for the airport route. On my first day of delivering thr route, I thought I would take a shortcut out of National car rental. Needless to say, but those spikes really work.
Odd calling the boss to tell him of my 4 flat tires.

Oh man. That really does suck. And you're right, Gizmo's the best!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Freaktacular 2016


This is one of a few contests that I'm holding this weekend. I've got a weird schedule this weekend so the main difference between these and my normal ones is that I'm not announcing when they end. A contest could end in 10 minutes or 10 hours so get your entries in quick so you don't miss out. Winner will be chosen by however I decide at the time. Sometimes it may be The Wheel, and sometimes it may be grabbing my wife and asking which answer she likes best.

THE CONTEST: It's after midnight here, and one of the rules in Gremlins is Don't feed them after midnight. Tell me about a time you broke a rule and ended up with a bad result.

THE PRIZE: A Trick or Treat Studios 1:1 Gizmo Puppet Prop.

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When my son was really young and was starting potty training, he was using a potty training potty in our bathroom. The rule was that I had to dump it after every time he used it. Well, anybody with kids knows that a toddlers poop generates the most gag inducing smell ever. I forgot to dump it and he put the lid down, so it stifled the smell. My wife started to take a shower, and I just remembered that I forgot to dump his potty. I go in, dump the fowl concoction, leave, and shut the door. A few seconds later, I hear a scream and I knew I was in trouble. I totally gave my wife the worst 'dutch oven' in the history of man.
I slept on the couch for a week.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

not competing, but

My grandma told me to not go to the backyard at night when i was little but one night i sneaked out to play and her dog came running and almost bit me.
My grandma came and spanked me for coming out lol
They forgot to tell me that they let her dog out off the leash at night for protection to roam free in the back
I got super scared and hurt that night lol :lol:lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

One summer my sisters and I were messing around with the humidifier in the hallway, and of course it was full of water. One of my sisters was standing on it trying to get into the attic, and it cracked it and all the water poured out and flooded the hallway. That was fun to try to clean up before our parents got home. I think we also put syrup on spaghetti and threw it at the walls and ceiling that same day. We also made a batch of cookies that summer, chocolate chip minus the chocolate chips. They turned out bad so we fed them to my dog Benny. Benny ended up in the hospital because he ate the entire batch of raw dough. Poor little guy. He did really enjoy the cookie dough though.
Re: Freaktacular 2016


This is one of a few contests that I'm holding this weekend. I've got a weird schedule this weekend so the main difference between these and my normal ones is that I'm not announcing when they end. A contest could end in 10 minutes or 10 hours so get your entries in quick so you don't miss out. Winner will be chosen by however I decide at the time. Sometimes it may be The Wheel, and sometimes it may be grabbing my wife and asking which answer she likes best.

THE CONTEST: It's after midnight here, and one of the rules in Gremlins is Don't feed them after midnight. Tell me about a time you broke a rule and ended up with a bad result.

THE PRIZE: A Trick or Treat Studios 1:1 Gizmo Puppet Prop.

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One night when I was home alone (Angie gone on a girl trip with friends) I had two different food cravings and got them both instead of picking one... they were Taco Bell and White Castle. The results were not good. Don't cross those two food streams.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

When I was about 9 years old, I was fascinated with the way fire burns things into ashes. You can pretty much tell where my story is going now. LOL!
There was this patio umbrella my parents had that was collapsed and rolled closed, leaning up against our house to keep it out of the way.
This umbrella had small tassels all around the edge.
I took one of my father's booklet of matches, striked it along the grit at the edge of the booklet to light it (I was also fascinated the way a match sparkles and hisses when it is lit), and brought the fire to the hanging tip of one of the tassels. The tassel quickly burned from the tip and stopped once it reached the material of the umbrella itself. The tassels were only about 1.5" long.
So I lit the next tassel, then it stopped. I enjoyed watching the tassels disintegrate to nothing.
I was burning them only one at a time, however one tassel was so close to the next tassel that it caught on fire and the two tassels together created a bigger fire and the heat eventually caused the umbrella material to catch on fire.
The umbrella was burning with a big fire by this time. I was scared ****less. Black smoke began filling the area and the house was now in danger of burning.
The next door neighbor's son (he was in his late 20's) saw the fire. He was screaming out loud for some help. I was in such shock at this time that I didn't know what to do. Anyway, he jumped over the fence between our homes, quickly grabbed and turned on our garden hose, and put the fire out before the flames ignited our house.
My mom was away for work and my father was working inside the house. I was terrified about what they were going to do to me when they found out. They grounded me for a pretty long time. Lesson learned!
Re: Freaktacular 2016

When my son was really young and was starting potty training, he was using a potty training potty in our bathroom. The rule was that I had to dump it after every time he used it. Well, anybody with kids knows that a toddlers poop generates the most gag inducing smell ever. I forgot to dump it and he put the lid down, so it stifled the smell. My wife started to take a shower, and I just remembered that I forgot to dump his potty. I go in, dump the fowl concoction, leave, and shut the door. A few seconds later, I hear a scream and I knew I was in trouble. I totally gave my wife the worst 'dutch oven' in the history of man.
I slept on the couch for a week.

Gross! :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Awesome contest...this is a Spook one for sure! :hi5:

My brother and I used to wrestle when we were was like...a mix of, well it was pretty much all fake...scripted in my mind. I kind of called out matches, and we'd fake hit, use pillows as chairs and such. We were always yelled at when we did it in the living room, which was the room that was "for company" when I was growing know that weird room that parents have that nobody ever sits in, even when company comes over? :lol

Well it had the most open space in the area away from the coffee table and couches and such, so it was always the best place to do it. It also had the least used carpet, which had some nice give, so I'm sure that had something to do with it also. :lol So even after being told countless times not to wrestle in the house period, let alone in that room, my parents were out on a Saturday...maybe a Sunday, it was the weekend chores they were out doing, so this is when the stuff we weren't supposed to do happened. :lol

So they were out and we were wrestling, and acting it all out as usual. Of course, we got a bit carried away, and we both ended up falling through the coffee table and breaking it. That...was a bad moment. :lol That was one of those classic growing up moments when you're like, "Oh mother of god, we're so screwed." because you're kids, and the world is run by your parents. :lol

Needless to say, wrestling stopped for a while (not altogether though! We even taped some future "matches"...and I'm not sure if it would've been cool to have that on tape, or worse to have the evidence of how bad it was at the time :lol) and we got grounded. I can still perfectly picture the leg giving out on it...just totally's like we did them a favour. What company wants to put coffee on a table that so easily breaks from two people landing on it? :lol

Man, I hadn't thought about that in a long memories. The bad results that are definitely bad at the time, but make you smile to look back upon. :lol

Haha, my friends and I used to 'fake fight' all the time. We would always do it at this one friend's house cause he had the most room. His mom didn't like us doing it, but one day when she was gone for a few hours we went to town! 2 hours of running around his house beating on each other in every room, there were like 6 or 7 of us! :lol Needless to say after that long we all worked up a sweat. We stopped a few minutes before his mom got home and quickly sat to watch tv. His mom came in with groceries and then walked in the living room and said, "why does it smell like a gym in here?!" :lol And she was right, it reeked of teenage sweat smell!
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Reminder! Get your sketches going! There will be a special "addition" for this prize.... Don't shy away from stick figures!

Usa only!
Okay guys, for this prize I want people to draw me their best version of acid burned Hicks!
Pic for reference but doesn't have to be exactly the same.
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Now, I'm a terrible artist so everyone who does a drawing will get at least one entry, but if you do a great job I'll give you multiple entries. Winner will be chosen by random draw. Closes Sunday night at 10 pm mountain time.

The prize:
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Re: Freaktacular 2016


This is one of a few contests that I'm holding this weekend. I've got a weird schedule this weekend so the main difference between these and my normal ones is that I'm not announcing when they end. A contest could end in 10 minutes or 10 hours so get your entries in quick so you don't miss out. Winner will be chosen by however I decide at the time. Sometimes it may be The Wheel, and sometimes it may be grabbing my wife and asking which answer she likes best.

THE CONTEST: It's after midnight here, and one of the rules in Gremlins is Don't feed them after midnight. Tell me about a time you broke a rule and ended up with a bad result.

THE PRIZE: A Trick or Treat Studios 1:1 Gizmo Puppet Prop.

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In high school, I was on the stage crew, whenever we'd have special events in the auditorium. During one of those events, a fellow stage-crew member decided it would be fun to make a copy of the ENTIRE keyring of the schools keys, and he gave me a copy. Yep, I had keys to EVERY door in the entire school! It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it was definitely a BAAAAAD idea.

One of my friends would sneak into teacher's rooms, and look at the answers to tests in advance. I had no intention of doing that one. But we did go sneaking around the school, in authorized areas. Once, we waited until school was done for the day, and we all hid inside of a band practice room. We figured that after the teachers left for the day, we'd be able to roam around the school freely. A dozen of us waited inside of this tiny room for 2 hours, waiting until we thought everyone was gone. When we finally emerged, and were going to go exploring, a janitor spotted us. How could we forget about janitors? We all ran outside of the school SOOOO fast! We kept running for blocks! We were totally busted! The next day at school was the worst, because we assumed the janitor would tell the principal, and the principal would investigate. That never happened, as far as we knew. But it was just a matter of time...

A week later my stupid friends decided to pull a similar stunt DURING school. They skipped English class, hanging out backstage. I wasn't with them. I had a dentist appointment, so didn't even know about it. I got back to school for 6th period, and all of my friends were mysteriously missing from class. I had NO idea where they were. Well, it turns out the musical director stopped by the school during 6th period to drop off some costumes backstage. My friends were totally busted, and oh yes, there were consequences. One of my "friends" squealed like a rat, and turned me in for having keys. Even though I wasn't caught, and never used them for anything truly bad, I reaped the repercussions. I was suspended from school for 3 days. And when I returned, I had to do TWO WEEKS of "janitor duty" after school, plus help pay for the school's locks to be changed. I was also kicked out of National Honor Society.

So, in summary, never make unauthorized copies of keys to your school. It won't end well...
Re: Freaktacular 2016

^ I have another story, which involves successfully escaping from the police, but I'll save that one for another year! :lecture
Re: Freaktacular 2016

That's awesome! I was about to write, "why are you awake now", but decide to ask that question of myself first. I dozed off very early (before 10pm) and just woke up a little while ago. I need to go back to bed for sure...
Re: Freaktacular 2016

I gave away the original. Now it's time to give away the remake!

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For this one, the winner will be chosen from a wheel spin from the correct answers. There is ONE horror movie I saw in the theater as a kid which scared me. It was an R rated movie, and I was underage. I loved it, but it scared me. You each have 3 guesses, in ONE post. I will spin the wheel tomorrow sometime from all who name this movie among their guesses.
BUMP for those who may have missed it...
Re: Freaktacular 2016

That's awesome! I was about to write, "why are you awake now", but decide to ask that question of myself first. I dozed off very early (before 10pm) and just woke up a little while ago. I need to go back to bed for sure...

i was at a halloween party in a club and came home to draw the pic lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

For Zods contest-
I was about to get married and was being picked up for my batchelor party. I had bronchitis quite bad and was on numerous antibiotics. I decided experiencing a batchelor party was far more important and proceeded to skip my antibiotics and drink heavily that night. I was SO sick the next day, I really should have been in the hospital looking back on it. I was 21 and should have known better; not my proudest moment. (Trying to hide the fact we went to a strip club from my fiancée as part of that night also did not help matters.)
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Rule Breaker Contest IS OVER! The sun has officially come up here so I guess it's ok to feed--though they never really explained that in the film. I've been having internet issues this morning so I will get the result posted in a few minutes.