Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2016

Bah, almost an hour later (curse you youtube :mad:) we finally have a winner!

GeneralZodLives - Peanuts
ZaCHw117 - Tomato
Killin4blood -Banana Chips
Shawpaw - Marshmallows
Centurion- Baby Carrots

And the winner is toma....wait, what's this? He's spitting out the tomato! Yes, the tomato is on the ground and now he's going for the peanuts!! Crunch crunch crunch. That makes it official folks, the winner is peanuts! Bad break there tomato... :doh

PM me with your shipping info peanut! :clap

Woo-hoo! Thanks Vander and Finn! :rock :rock

I can't do it right now but [Insert Zod Wins gif here]
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Congrats Zod. It's like the dog knew he was about to do something wrong by eating the tomato and then changed course to not upset the General. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Reminder! Get your sketches going! There will be a special "addition" for this prize.... Don't shy away from stick figures!

Usa only!
Okay guys, for this prize I want people to draw me their best version of acid burned Hicks!
Pic for reference but doesn't have to be exactly the same.
Now, I'm a terrible artist so everyone who does a drawing will get at least one entry, but if you do a great job I'll give you multiple entries. Winner will be chosen by random draw. Closes Sunday night at 10 pm mountain time.

The prize:
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Re: Freaktacular 2016



Re: Freaktacular 2016

Anyone else go to Alamo city comic con this weekend? I'm thinking of traveling down next year.

No... Sadly, I had to skip that and Austin Comic Con this year due to lack of funds.

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Re: Freaktacular 2016

Tulsa show has gotten less attractive over the past 2 years due to wizard world's business model of overcharging vendors. There's been a substantial reduction in the amount of vendors that attend the show and the overall con suffers greatly from this. This year, they had booths for **** like insurance, free lasik surgery, blood drive, etc. Booths that no one really wants to see at a comic convention. Those are the types of booths showing up more frequently due to poor vendor attendance.

I'd love to go to San Antonio or Houston for a comic convention. Would be cool to meet some of you guys at some cons soon. Anyone have good suggestions for a con?
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Tulsa show has gotten less attractive over the past 2 year due to wizard worlds business model of overcharging for vendors. There's been a substantial reduction in the amount of vendors that attend the show and the overall con suffers greatly from this. This year, they had booths for **** like insurance, free lasik surgery, blood drive, etc. booths that no one really wants to see at a comic convention but those are the types of booths showing up more frequently due to poor vendor attendance.

I'd love to go to San Antonio or Houston for a comic convention. Would be cool to meet some of you guys at some cons soon. Anyone have good suggestions for a con?

Good info. Thanks for the Tulsa head's up. Would love to hit the Alamo Comicon and see how it compares to the one in Kansas City.
Freaktacular 2016

Me, chillin with Scorpion at Austin Comic Con:

We had to take a smoke break after all those fatalities. Those were the good ole days...

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