Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2016

Got my first Zod prize in the mail toady! Thanks again!I would post a pic, but my phone got lost in candy town last night...hoping it turns up around the bottom of one of these buckets. Lol!
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Contest Time!

Just when you thought Freaktacular was over, here's a new one from me.

As I hinted, this is about all the great Freaks who have been running contests this year, but it is open to all (including said Freaks).

It is "The Walking Dead" universe. Write a description of how each of these Freaks would have died and post it here (so all can enjoy). I will judge by my own tastes (not foisting the blame off on anyone else). If I can't pick one clear favorite, the top entries will go into a random pool.

Darth Madden

The prize is the following: to bring warm clothes and he froze to death.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Vander: Vander survived the apocalypse because he put on his mort costume and the zombies would ignore him, he would walk around the town and zombies would leave him alone. the costume was so good in fact that he started to live a normal life without caring about anything. the problem was that the costume worked too well and when Darth Madden was driving around the town and saw him in the Mort costume he shot Vander out of fear. the costume worked too well for his own good.

So, basically I'm Bill Murray in Zombieland? :lol

Love me some Bill Murray, so I'm cool with that! :yess:
Re: Freaktacular 2016

GeneralZodLives: Standing atop a pile of ruble with both hands at his hips, inside an office building that has been destroyed and ransacked. A gaping hole at one side of the building opens up to reveal the city in ruins. GZL looks out the hole towards the city proclaiming, "It is all mine! This all belongs to ME!!!"
Zombies creeping towards him from the rear. GZL turns around and sees 9, maybe 10, zombies nearing. They're growling. They're moaning. They're making all the horrifying sounds zombies make.
He tells them:


The zombies continue to creep ever so close, but GZL is not fazed! He stands his ground with but a little smirk on his face.
He tells the zombie one final time:


Alas.......... it's the General's last words.

Lamelnik: Lamelnik is with a small unit of four. They quietly scour a giftshop. But someone has already been through there. One of his team members whispers to him, "Damn! There's nothing here. Let's make our way across the street to the next building."
"No! Wait!," Lamelnik replies. "There's too many walkers out front. Let's go through the back!"
As their team quietly exits the giftshop through the back door they don't realize that it dumps them out into the alley.
Lamelnik is the last one out the door when he hears his friend scream... "NOOO! It's an ambush! Go back inside!!!"
But upon trying to reopen the door, Lamelnik discovers that it is locked.
It's too late. The small team of four has met their fate at the hands of zombie Wesley Snipes.... and yes, he is still in his Blade costume since he was not able to find any more work since his last movie in 2004.


Punkg42: He hides under his computer desk. Nervous, crying, and scared as hell. Everyone else in the house has already safely evacuated. "C'mon! GET OUT!", he hears from someone outside. Zombies have invaded the home and are approaching in a horde.
"But what about all my collectibles?," Punkg42 says balling his eyes out. "I will never leave them!"
Sadly..... Punkg42 never did make it out that day. But he was a man of his word. He showed much courage and stayed with his precious collectibles. But those who knew him the most still could not explain why he was found under his desk holding this:


Vander: With his closest friends attending with him, Vander is at a 'V for Vendetta' convention hoping to get a glimpse of Natalie Portman [but Vander really wants to get a lot more from her than that!! Waa-waa-waa!]. Suddenly, a guy runs into the room, not realizing he came in through the only way in or out, and recklessly runs through the swarm of attending fans, screaming for his life. "Everybody... get out! RUN!!," he yells.
But before anyone could find out what was going on, a horde of zombies bursts through the doors and completely devours every living thing in the room, down to the last fan.
In Vander's pocket we find his cellphone with this on the screen:


banthafett: In a classroom filled with students, we see banthafett mixed in with the group. Everyone in there scared out of their minds.... but not banthafett. They have been told to lock themselves in the classroom and to net let anyone in or out. A thud could be heard from the other side of the classroom door. Another thud is heard from the other classroom door as well. With no windows and no way out the students begin to become restless. No one is sitting. Some are cuddling together crying, not knowing what to expect. The room is now filled with panic and horror. Then, out of nowhere.......
"Samhain!," banthafett yells. Everyone in the room turns to look at banthafett.
"Samhain is coming!!" he says in a very loud voice.
The now quiet room gives their complete attention to him.
"You think you know pain? You know nothing!" he preaches.
Someone replies, "WTF are you talking about man! There's zombies outside of this room!"
Another student adds disparingly, "If we don't get out we will all DIE!!"
Then banthafett, cool as a cat, without a sign of stress and calm as can be, tells them, "Casted down my brethren, Rebels from authority, Power, Pride, Contempt and Lust. All these things I give to you!"
As his last act, banthafett holds up a sign. A picture of what this is all about:


No one in the room ever made it out that day. At least.... none that we know of.........

crows: Crows is with his best bud watching a Predator movie marathon. All the movies! If it's got a Predator in it, it's fair game.
But this is no ordinary marathon. They both decided to wear their Predator costumes while viewing every single movie. Crows suggests, "The first to take off their costume is a pu$$yface!". His friend agrees.
While watching their nerdy marathon, they had no clue of the zombie outbreak that has just occurred outside. They continue watching.
His friend asks him, "Dude, how the hell am I suppose to take a leak wearin' all this $h1t?"
"That ain't my problem!", crows replies.
In his best Arnold voice, his friend says, "You ugly mutha f --ka! I'll be back." His friend gets up, almost falling over because of the costume and makes his way to the bathroom.
A few minutes later, crows hears a lot of commotion going on in the bathroom.
"Hey, what are you doing in there?", crows yells, "You're missing the best part! Get back to this movie!"
No response.
Another 20 minutes later more commotion from the bathroom could be heard.
Crows finally gets up from the sofa, nearly falling over himself from his costume, and goes to the bathroom door.
Knocking on the door, he asks, "Hey, you've been in there for a long time what the hell are you doing?" No response but again something can be heard.
"Bro, you better not be knocking one out to my porn in there!", crows says with a raised voice. "Those are my best mags!"
Then, without warning, the bathroom door breaks open. Crows sees his friend, still in costume standing there, but with the window on the other wall broken, and a zombie laying on the floor motionless.
His friend is bleeding from his arm and has already turned!
The last thing crows sees is his best friend turning on him:


BuffyGirl: In her attempt to stay physical fit for the apocalypse, she continues her workouts at an abandoned gym. Eighty-seven, eighty-eight, but before she could do her eighty-ninth pullup [oh yeah! she's that bad!], she saw a woman at the corner of her eyes cowering in the dark. She approached her to provide some help. It's Sarah Michelle Gellar! But she has been turned only a few hours ago and has now claimed BuffyGirl as her first victim.

Re: Freaktacular 2016

So, basically I'm Bill Murray in Zombieland? :lol

Love me some Bill Murray, so I'm cool with that! :yess:

eh... I guess it is Bill Murray from Zombieland :lol I didn't realize. I was just thinking of how to incorporate mort.

Ok lol, here we go
Fun Fact: I have seen Breaking Benjamin in concert. Several times. Even met them and hung out with them after a show one night at a bar playing pool and chatting with Ben. :yess:

I was just trying to add some of the band talk we had :lol but it is awesome that you met them. I haven't really ever met my favorite bands, only quick autographs from a couple of bands i like but nothing else
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Contest Time!

Just when you thought Freaktacular was over, here's a new one from me.

As I hinted, this is about all the great Freaks who have been running contests this year, but it is open to all (including said Freaks).

It is "The Walking Dead" universe. Write a description of how each of these Freaks would have died and post it here (so all can enjoy). I will judge by my own tastes (not foisting the blame off on anyone else). If I can't pick one clear favorite, the top entries will go into a random pool.

Darth Madden

The prize is the following: zombie eats… which is brains. Chomp!!
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Re: Freaktacular 2016

I'm glad I don't have time to do this contest... these are so much better than I could have come up with. Good Job guys.