Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2016

Damn straight, mrd!

Re: Freaktacular 2016

Steve (or anyone else that was interested), if you still want a Pocket Mort T Shirt Zazzle has a 50% off code today: NEWOUTFITS4U

Link is in my sig.

Re: Freaktacular 2016


Perfect way to end spooktacular!

And I missed some peeps:

Buffygirl - Calisthenics much? Buffygirl takes pride in her ability to rip zombie ass. I mean she literally takes a chain, ties it around zombies, vertically, and begins to rip them in half, starting at the ass. She loves the sound it makes when the pelvis cracks. Katow! Buffygirl decides to develop a workout regimen using zombies as equipment. She then makes banners marketing her training classes to random survivors. It becomes a great success and creates a lot of chatter on the walkie-talkies. One day, she's training Kenben on how to survive a zombie attack (which Kenben used later in his survival story I made up lol). Buffy challenges Kenben to to high-kick the anterior of a zombies chin. She demonstrates and kicks one zombie's jaw right off. Kenben then attempts and kicks the zombie in the neck. Buffy, getting frustrated after multiple demos, tries one last time. While making sure Kenben is watching and carving notes into a shovel, Buffy kicks a walker in the face. The walker's face turns to mush and she returns her focus back to Kenben. "THIS IS HOW YOU ****ING DO IT KENBEN!" Kenben goes pale. Buffy begins to wonder what he's looking at. Then she realized she has a walker tooth embedded between her toes. She turns days later and Kenben drives a vampire stake through her walker heart and face.

MrdBios - Mr Ed. MrdBios understands the biology of walkers. He has studied them and developed empirical understanding of walker anatomy. In all of his studies, Mrdbios develops empathy for walkers. He develops so much understanding that he decides to try to teach them how to assimilate into the new world. He develops curriculum on walker-ism. He becomes a social walker advocate. One day he is teaching walkers how to efficiently chew their food for easier digestion and hydration. He realized he forgot to grab a wombat for walkers to practice on so he unwittingly used his arm as a demonstration. After the walker bites his arm, the walker SPEAKS! "duzzZz gootd." AMAZING! Mrdbios not only taught walkers some biology, he thought them to speak! However, Mrdbios then turns into a walker himself and the other walkers try communicating with him but he never learned how to speak (as a walker).

GoldenBoy - uhhh. GB's friend shawpaw is a weird guy. For example, shawpaw can get paranoid about "dangerous animals" following both goldenboy and shawpaw as they scavenge the landscape. One day, goldenboy catches shawpaw pissing in a pile of gunpowder. Goldenboy thinks shawpaw has completely lost it. Shawpaw claims that peeing in gunpowder eliminates the odor and keeps walkers and other animals from tracking them. Goldenboy questions whether or not to shoot shawpaw immediately. Over the next few days, shawpaw begins to act even more odd until Goldenboy gets tired of shawpaw's antics. Goldenboy threatens shawpaw if he doesn't stop being weird, he will light him on fire. Shawpaw escalates and barks back at goldenboy. They banter back and forth until shawpaw begins yelling at goldenboy loudly. GB notices walkers are being attracted to the noise. He then grabs a burning stick from their camp fire and launches it at shawpaw. Unfortunately, shawpaw explodes, killing both GB and shawpaw. The reality was that when shawpaw was peeing in the gunpowder, residue would splash back onto shawpaw. The gunpowder on shawpaw ignited and caused some grenades he was carrying to explode. Piss poor story.
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Re: Freaktacular 2016

Kenbenobi: Kenben plays it smart. Knowing he probably couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag he partners up with fellow members from the Freaks board to help protect him. Kenben knows he has a lot to offer the group and is a good source of humor to keep spirits high. One day when on a supply run with the group, Kenben sees it... a zombie... with a limited edition Star Wars lapel pin given out at a panel at Celebration VII...Kenben never got it. And although these trinkets mean nothing in the real world, the zombie has it, and Kenben does not. Jealous Kenben is. He must have it. He leaves the protection of the group to snag the Star Wars pin from the zombie... I mean, the zombie is cut in half and has no legs.... both it's hands are missing, and it's chained down to a cement block... I mean hell... it's wearing a muzzle over it's mouth... a 7 year old girl could take out this zombie and get that pin... the zombie kills Kenben instantly. Punk walks up to say a final farewell to Kenben, looks down... "hey look! A star wars pin!" grabs it and walks away.

Contest Time!

Just when you thought Freaktacular was over, here's a new one from me.

As I hinted, this is about all the great Freaks who have been running contests this year, but it is open to all (including said Freaks).

It is "The Walking Dead" universe. Write a description of how each of these Freaks would have died and post it here (so all can enjoy). I will judge by my own tastes (not foisting the blame off on anyone else). If I can't pick one clear favorite, the top entries will go into a random pool.

Darth Madden

The prize is the following:! Unless he crosses paths with Jon Snow...
Re: Freaktacular 2016

GoldenBoy - uhhh. GB's friend shawpaw is a weird guy. For example, shawpaw can get paranoid about "dangerous animals" following both goldenboy and shawpaw as they scavenge the landscape. One day, goldenboy catches shawpaw pissing in a pile of gunpowder. Goldenboy thinks shawpaw has completely lost it. Shawpaw claims that peeing in gunpowder eliminates the odor and keeps walkers and other animals from tracking them. Goldenboy questions whether or not to shoot shawpaw immediately. Over the next few days, shawpaw begins to act even more odd until Goldenboy gets tired of shawpaw's antics. Goldenboy threatens shawpaw if he doesn't stop being weird, he will light him on fire. Shawpaw escalates and barks back at goldenboy. They banter back and forth until shawpaw begins yelling at goldenboy loudly. GB notices walkers are being attracted to the noise. He then grabs a burning stick from their camp fire and launches it at shawpaw. Unfortunately, shawpaw explodes, killing both GB and shawpaw. The reality was that when shawpaw was peeing in the gunpowder, residue would splash back onto shawpaw. The gunpowder on shawpaw ignited and caused some grenades he was carrying to explode. Piss poor story.


:lol :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Steve (or anyone else that was interested), if you still want a Pocket Mort T Shirt Zazzle has a 50% off code today: NEWOUTFITS4U

Link is in my sig.

View attachment 302352

Hmm... should I hold out for a 60%? :lol I didn't use the 30% cause I know they do discount changes frequently. Wish they had free shipping as well.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Kenbenobi: Kenbenobi is at a Star Wars convention with his friends. All the Star Wars fans go to this every year. But this year is special because, for the first time ever, there will be a real life and fully functional Carbonite Freezer! And who better than to present and demonstrate this to the fans than George Lucas himself.
All the fans applause as George makes his way out onto a purpose built stage, but Kenbenobi is the loudest! "Hey Mr Lucas!! Remember me? I'm your #1 fan!! You rock George!", Kenbenobi yells.
The mic is handed over to George, and as he begins his monologue, screaming and yelling can suddenly be heard from the adjacent room. Then, within seconds, the floor becomes filled with Stormtroopers, but they have been turned!!


Nobody knew what had just happened outside. There was a zombie outbreak and an apocalypse had just begun.
The Star Wars fans from outside were the first to turn and they have now breached the convention.


Chaos ensues, and Kenbenobi and his friends are caught in the middle.
Kenbenobi is the smartest of his friends [c'mon, it could be true], and he thinks of a brilliant plan. He decides that following Lucas will be their best bet to get out since he was escorted when he made his way in.
But it's too late. George's escorts are being devoured by Walkers and Lucas himself had a little accident with the Carbonite Freezer in his haste to get out....


Not a single Star Wars fan in attendance made it out safely that day.

djosharp: We find djosharp scurrying through a mall with a small group of survivors. It has been 1 full year after the outbreak.
"Remember, we're here only for supplies!", one of his group members whispers. "Keep your voices down!"
But the mall has already been ransacked and cleaned out. Nothing of value to be found. Then, something catches djosharp's eyes. "Hell yeah!", he says out loud, "A music store!". Djosharp makes his way to the towns only music store. "These CD's are awesome!", he says in a normal voice.
"Sshhhh!!!", a group member says to him as he brings one finger to his lips. "You'll attract too much attention! We don't know if this place is cleared yet."
But that didn't bother djosharp. He was in heaven. He fingers through the selections and finds one of the coolest things he has ever seen, "Red Hot Chili Peppers on a CD!", he says excitedly.
His friend, very upset by now, grabs his hand and says, "That's enough! We're getting outta here!"
On their way out, djosharp knocks over a pile of ghettoblasters....


They fall to the floor and music begins playing from all of them. "Oohhh $h1t!!!", djosharp exclaims.
Everyone in his group turns toward him to see what had just happened. Then, from out of the darkness, walkers are awaken. They see the small group of survivors and make their way toward them.
Unfortunately for djosharp's group, there was no way out. They weren't survivors anymore after that day....


Shawpaw: Shawpaw was on his way to a Ninja Turtle party at his friends house. He dressed up in his favorite Shredder costume, and this was his best attempt:


You can tell he was very proud of his accomplishment.
On his way to the party, he sees an extremely empty street. Cars were turned over. Homes were on fire. People were running on the streets with blood all over themselves.
"What the f --k is going on?", Shawpaw says.
During the 5 hours he spent putting together his Shredder costume, the zombie outbreak occurred.
He stuck to his plan and quickly drove to the party hoping someone there could give him answers.
He parked his car on the lawn, quickly jumped out of his car and ran to the front door of his friend's house.
He knocked and knocked and rang the doorbell.
His friend finally answered the door. He was dressed in Raphael garb.
"What's happening out here? It's crazy!"
His friend didn't reply. He had already been turned a few hours earlier.


Instead, he lunged out at him and began eating through to his brain.
The helmet was made simply out of paper mache. Oh, to think, if it were only a real Shredder replica helmet.
Re: Freaktacular 2016

Contest Time!

Just when you thought Freaktacular was over, here's a new one from me.

As I hinted, this is about all the great Freaks who have been running contests this year, but it is open to all (including said Freaks).

It is "The Walking Dead" universe. Write a description of how each of these Freaks would have died and post it here (so all can enjoy). I will judge by my own tastes (not foisting the blame off on anyone else). If I can't pick one clear favorite, the top entries will go into a random pool.

Darth Madden

The prize is the following:[/IMG]
Re: Freaktacular 2016


Perfect way to end spooktacular!

And I missed some peeps:

MrdBios - Mr Ed. MrdBios understands the biology of walkers. He has studied them and developed empirical understanding of walker anatomy. In all of his studies, Mrdbios develops empathy for walkers. He develops so much understanding that he decides to try to teach them how to assimilate into the new world. He develops curriculum on walker-ism. He becomes a social walker advocate. Once day he is teaching walkers how to efficiently chew their food for easier digestion and hydration. He realized he forgot to grab a wombat for walkers to practice on so he unwittingly used his arm as a demonstration. After the walker bites his arm, the walker SPEAKS! "duzzZz gootd." AMAZING! Mrdbios not only taught walkers some biology, he thought them to speak! However, Mrdbios then turns into a walker himself and the other walkers try communicating with him but he never learned how to speak (as a walker).


That completely explains my aching arm today.

And my desire to move the nervous system up and begin our dissection of the brain.