Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2015

People were making fake codes and customer service reps got blown up

No people were joking with some fake codes, and said stupid people thought they were real and whined to ss when they didnt work. I mean they were real obvious fakes too, an intelligent person would know they weren't real. Not trying to start anything but it wasn't that big of a deal and it was the whiners fault.

That's annoying. Though, the Internet is a breeding ground for trolls, so it's also not surprising. Add onto that the large amount of squeaky wheels that'll complain about anything and everything and it's a recipe for disaster. Hopefully that doesn't ruin it this year, or they just stop doing the "15 minute codes" and place a few on their website instead for an hour or so at a time...that way it's known they're official.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Yeah, the number of complainers about it taking too long to release or not even getting a lousy $5 code was annoying as hell.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

That's annoying. Though, the Internet is a breeding ground for trolls, so it's also not surprising. Add onto that the large amount of squeaky wheels that'll complain about anything and everything and it's a recipe for disaster. Hopefully that doesn't ruin it this year, or they just stop doing the "15 minute codes" and place a few on their website instead for an hour or so at a time...that way it's known they're official.

They used to make you work for stuff like that, which is what they need to do again, through things like the Scavenger Hunt and riddles. Now that would really have the babies in the crowd whining, "I'm not smart enough to get this, why won't they just give it to me wah wah"
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I loved the Scavenger Hunt but didn't like having to be the first one to post the correct answers to win. I'm not fast enough to do that and have any chance of winning. I definitely enjoyed Spook a lot more when it was mainly on their website--hunting down code words and special deals was fun.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Yeah, most of those I never even tried because I knew I wasn't fast enough but if I could just find them at my own pace and turn them it I had a blast.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Yeah, I agree with the above posts. I think -- while social media is fine for contests -- that codes should just stick to their website. Click around, BAM, pop up that says, "Add this code to your wallet!" or something like that. Or a code is up on the website for an hour or something...I dunno. Something that isn't just random words you need to go fill out in 10 minutes...that's just going to lead to even more crying every year.


If I can get enough RP to pay for shipping, then I'm more than happy!

I need to come up with some contest ideas! I'm trying to figure out if I want to stick fully with Trick'r Treat themed prizes, or add some other scares to the mix.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

That's awesome guys! Hey, I'm actually liking POP!s a lot right now! I've got a handful on my desk at work, and they're perfect for contest prizes! Bring'm on! :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Getting pretty psyched up for this year. I should be able to be pretty involved with chat this year as my company is pretty cool. Anybody that wants avatars but doesn't have one yet should send me a request (I am only doing Vets this year. I got a lot of random requests from people I hadn't even heard of. I've been around long enough to know if you contribute). I want to get an early start since I am having a more difficult time doing art at home because I'm on the computer all day at work. Any avatars I do will be revealed on Oct 1st. I will also have new sigs for everybody, using your assigned avatars (if you want them of course).
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Getting pretty psyched up for this year. I should be able to be pretty involved with chat this year as my company is pretty cool. Anybody that wants avatars but doesn't have one yet should send me a request (I am only doing Vets this year. I got a lot of random requests from people I hadn't even heard of. I've been around long enough to know if you contribute). I want to get an early start since I am having a more difficult time doing art at home because I'm on the computer all day at work. Any avatars I do will be revealed on Oct 1st. I will also have new sigs for everybody, using your assigned avatars (if you want them of course).
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Getting pretty psyched up for this year. I should be able to be pretty involved with chat this year as my company is pretty cool. Anybody that wants avatars but doesn't have one yet should send me a request (I am only doing Vets this year. I got a lot of random requests from people I hadn't even heard of. I've been around long enough to know if you contribute). I want to get an early start since I am having a more difficult time doing art at home because I'm on the computer all day at work. Any avatars I do will be revealed on Oct 1st. I will also have new sigs for everybody, using your assigned avatars (if you want them of course).

Cool! :rock
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Getting pretty psyched up for this year. I should be able to be pretty involved with chat this year as my company is pretty cool. Anybody that wants avatars but doesn't have one yet should send me a request (I am only doing Vets this year. I got a lot of random requests from people I hadn't even heard of. I've been around long enough to know if you contribute). I want to get an early start since I am having a more difficult time doing art at home because I'm on the computer all day at work. Any avatars I do will be revealed on Oct 1st. I will also have new sigs for everybody, using your assigned avatars (if you want them of course).
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Awesome Veil. Super generous of you to do new sigs! I'm never changing my duck avatar - he is too cool. Looking forward to October, cooler weather, and hanging out with everyone again. About to watch Digging Up the Marrow (Netflix finally sent to me) to get in the spirit.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Getting pretty psyched up for this year. I should be able to be pretty involved with chat this year as my company is pretty cool. Anybody that wants avatars but doesn't have one yet should send me a request (I am only doing Vets this year. I got a lot of random requests from people I hadn't even heard of. I've been around long enough to know if you contribute). I want to get an early start since I am having a more difficult time doing art at home because I'm on the computer all day at work. Any avatars I do will be revealed on Oct 1st. I will also have new sigs for everybody, using your assigned avatars (if you want them of course).

Very generous, as always! :hi5:
