Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2015

Maybe you guys can do this one.

Re: Freaktacular 2015

It's my son's first Halloween (he's almost 9 months old so still too young to understand) but we plan and starting the Halloween traditions early with him. Need to pick something to dress him up in. Any suggestions?! :D

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Use one of those baby carrier/backpacks. You could probably pull off Luke and Yoda.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I love both of those so much. Also, I've already stated that I think the 2003 version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre was really good. It is my favorite. It's okay that others don't agree and I respect that. I just happen to LOVE it. I also lived the Hills Have Eyes remake better. Other than that I cannot think of any other remakes that blew me away past the original.

Oh, great horror display you got there.

I love the 2003 version of TCM! I think it's superior in every way to the original. I won't knock all originals, but there are quite a few that didn't age well. TCM is one of them, in my opinion. I watched it a couple of years after seeing the 2003 version, and I didn't enjoy it at all. That said, I won't knock anyone who is a fan of originals! I just don't like when people automatically write off remakes as terrible (not that anyone has done that here! Quite the opposite, in some cases!) The trailer for TCM was great too! I watched it after and the picture taking idea was just so awesome. Really sets the mood. Actually, I'm going to aim to watch that this weekend! :lol

I think it can go either way, where a remake can be terrible, or an original can just not hold up well and is beaten by a more recent take on the idea. I can't think of any off the top of my head, though I know there are quite a few, but I always find it unfortunate when both an original and a remake fail to take an awesome concept and make it a reality.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Since this topic is more active...maybe some of you remember my life size display from last year. I proudly present the completely revamped display for Halloween... 10x more accurate. I switched mannequins around to get the true height of the slashers. Jason's hock is now accurate. Freddy has a left hand that holds his hat. Myers revamped with Warlock mask and Elrod knife. Jason's shirt and pants more weathered, Myer's coveralls have 7 gun shots with blood, etc. etc.


Bonus family photo prior to window display

Hell yeah!
Frickin' awesome! :hi5: :clap