I finally got to open my Hot Toys Han and Chewie today and they're incredible! Two of my favourite Hot Toys, easily! The improved Han headsculpt is superb, and both of them just look fantastic! I love them, and can't wait to get a new glass shelving unit from Ikea to put these new Star Wars figures in as they start to arrive! They're both just awesome pieces...if anyone is on the fence, I'd highly recommend jumping on board! Once Luke and Leia arrive, a shelf with all four of them on it is going to look amazing!
Back from vacation, I will get button winners out this week!
My advice would be to look into forums where people do 3d modeling as a hobby/art/fun, and see if anyone takes commissions. Probably cheaper than a company, and you're helping someone eat.
Awesome! Do you also plan on getting the 1/6 Falcon cockpit? That would make an awesome diorama.
If you happen to come across any please give us the heads up.
I know a guy who knows a guy that has had a few 3D models made for a toy project he's working on. I think he said it cost him about $110 or so per 3D rendering. So that should give you guys an idea.
This is why I make my own stuff I'm considering a small run of vinyl toys next year with one of my designs.
Back from vacation, I will get button winners out this week!
I think that's the expensive part.... getting the figure for each character from each movie.I honestly don't know! I'm pretty sure the cost of that will be through the roof. It looks fantastic, don't get me wrong! But that also takes up a LOT of space in terms of display. I'm not against it by any means, I'm just not sure if I'll go that route. It's possible, but it's more of a wait and see. I agree that it'd look fantastic, but if you do get it, you pretty much have no choice but to always keep them in there! It'd be a waste to spend that kind of cash and go, "Eh, I think they'll not be flying it today!"
Plus, if they DO come out with the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi versions of each character, it'd be pretty cool to have kind of an evolution of the characters setup as well. These are all characters I'd buy each version of...my definite exception to my usual rule! But really, pictures don't do Han justice at all. He looks great out of the box! Chewie actually doesn't look so bad in pictures, and is done really well in person! They did a fantastic job with his fur!
I was considering getting a printer for custom purposes. I'd be interested in making these into figures. Hopefully I can manage something. It'll all depend on what goes down when I graduate. I'd love to see these done in person.
I got the Legendary Yoda. I got them to pricematch TRU for $129.99 AND use the 25% off coupon on top of that, and used my Target RedCard of course. So I paid $97.50. Not bad for a $180 item! I also got the 6" two-pack exclusive. I can't find Phasma anywhere, but I scored the rest of wave 2 yesterday.No worries. I still haven't sent my prizes out. Need to finish them up tomorrow. I went on a spending spree today instead.
So I had a fun time hauling today using a Target 25% off coupon!
Black Series 6" scale Tie Fighter
Kylo Ren Force FX Lightsaber
Riot Trooper and Poe 2 pack exclusive
Also got my Amazon 6" Black Series Trooper 4 pack exclusive in today! As well as the PS3 Game from Buffy!
Good day for hauling!
If I would've found a 6" Captain Phasma in stores today it would've been the best day off work ever!
I'm glad it excluded Legos, or I would have spent a LOT more money!!!Nice! That coupon is burning a hole in my pocket lol. If it didn't exclude Legos it would already be used.
I've seen the tie fighter in my stores for about a month, but no way in hell was I planning on buying that huge thing. I don't have the space. I'm done with vehicles, even the small scale ones. No more!They just started popping up around here. First to get them was TRU about a week or so ago.
That's awesome! Expensive, but awesome!Hey guys. Check this out, I had my avatar turned into a 3D character. The artist did an amazing job...
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Welcome back! Where'd ya go? I guess I missed the button contests. I never saw them...Back from vacation, I will get button winners out this week!
You aren't the only one! I apparently missed them, too...I never even saw contests from you to win buttons!
I love my sig but I'm not sure if I love it $110 worth (no offense Veil if you see this. )