Friday the 13th Part3 Premium Format Figure

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:slap damn this Jesus guy is a bad as Hulk, eventually he makes it into every thread.

"Jesus walks, God show me the way cause the Devil's tryin to break me down". Contemplating if I should get on the wait list for this guy, Ex s a must :gah:. I like him over Sabretooth in pajamas.
If you ____ers get this thread closed with all this Jesus bull____, so help me, I will show up on each and every one of your doorsteps and kick you all square in the nuts or equivalent.
The intro is the best part of the movie. I like the movie for what it is.

Hell yea, love it when he just comes running out of the woods. The movie was nothing special but like you said, I like it for what it is. It is some good classic slasher.

That's what they get for snatching J's crops. It's the only thing that calms him down.:peace

:rock :rock :rock
For me the TCM remake was the best, closely followed by F13.

NOES wasnt bad and and Halloween sucked beyound words.

1: TCM
2: F13
4: Showgirls
5: Sucker Punch
6: Any movie from M. Night Shamaladingdong
7: Any episode of Glee
8: Halloween
:rotfl That's awesome that you ranked Glee over Halloween remake. On principle, I can't agree with you because I hate Glee so much, but deep down, I know you're right.

TCM remake had a lot of room to improve on the original because the low, low production quality of the original, but I still think the original is somehow more psychologically mind-____ing. It's rawness just makes it seem more disturbing to me, but the remake was a better made movie.

F13 remake is my fave of the lot though. But it'll never be my Jason. Remake takes place in an alternate reality.
I have to agree with Silent on TCM. I really liked the remake and its one of my faves as far as remakes go but the original felt so disturbing to me. Like you felt dirty after watching it. I liked elements of F13 remake like Jason just hauling ass after his victims.
I dont know anyone except people on this thread that liked the NOES remake but I thought it was OK. Not great but I liked it.
Im assuming your talking about the TCM 2 remake? Yeah it was ok. It had its moments.
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (Choptop's introduction)‬‏[/ame]


Unfortunately Nam, I still differ from you in that I don't think comic/cartoon characters are "sexy." Sorry :wave
The original sequel was pretty horrorific. I hated that guy with the metal plate in his head. What the hell was he doing with that hanger and lighter anyway? Its been yrs since Ive seen that pc of crap.