Friday the 13th Part3 Premium Format Figure

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Yeah Poltergeist was a pretty good scare along with the Exorcist as a child. I think the reason The Exorcist was so effective at the time was because I was always under the impression that (I was young) everything happened scene for scene.

It blows my mind that you posted that, Skiman. Bricks on Chains is like a running joke with me and my brother. We went to Queen Mary's Shipwreck years ago, and they had bricks handing from chains in one of the mazes. I thought it was such an absurd thing to have in there, that I acted totally scared of it, and my brother couldn't stop laughing.

And then you post that in response to things that are scary. That's just scary.:panic:
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Only movies that ever "scared" me as a kid were ghost flicks like Poltergeist...

Anybody ever see The Changling with George C. Scott? That's a creepy ass ghost story. I get chills just thinking about Russell playing back the seance audio tape and hearing the ghost answering the questions that were asked.

If you haven't seen it, do it. You'll be expecting a child's wheelchair to chase you down the hall by itself after that.
Anybody ever see The Changling with George C. Scott? That's a creepy ass ghost story. I get chills just thinking about Russell playing back the seance audio tape and hearing the ghost answering the questions that were asked.

If you haven't seen it, do it. You'll be expecting a child's wheelchair to chase you down the hall by itself after that.
I loved that flick. A good old fashioned ghost story like they don't make any more. Not a complete shocker, yet a serious hair raiser. I'm a fan.
Yeah The Changeling... pretty good movie, but wheel chairs will never be the least ones sitting in dark hall ways and what not ;)
Arachnophobia pretty much gave it to me in real life. The idea that we all swallow 50 or however many spiders in a lifetime really compounded it for me, those things are real and your just defenseless against them 8 hours everyday.

The scene where they jump at that guy scared the ____ out of me.
I sure hope this gem releases before the world ends in November like those Christians said. :pray:

Thought that was coming up on May 21st? There's obviously no way we'll have it before then. :panic:

lol, yeah May 21st is Judgement Day and apparently Oct. 21st is the end of the World. Im sure more than likely I'll be at work on Monday :monkey2