Friday the 13th Part3 Premium Format Figure

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Mine has shipped :yess:

Should be getting him by wednesday myself. And my shipping was cheaper than they original quoted me...

Can't wait to have him in hand
Guys, just settle down for a bit and let Sideshow's CS department have a couple days before we get the pitchforks out. I know from speaking with Eva today that she seemed pretty frazzled over the whole Jason situation itself anyway, so I'm sure they didn't have the easiest day over there.

Just give it some time to see if it's going to be worked out. It doesn't do anyone any good to jump on Alexandra or any of the other SS reps we may encounter here. I've been helped out by SS' CS department more times than I can count, so I'm sure if there's anything they can do, they will.

I agree cr0w! I think Sideshow will go back to the drawing board on this new policy, see how friday panned out and then they will make a decision. At the end of the day sideshow do care about us collectors. This was a new plan they implemented to see how it goes and obviously it went way out of hand.

Sideshow must really reconsider this policy and hopefully change it.

Give us back at least the 24 hour notice to to fix our payment methods.

Come on Sideshow, keep our faith in you!
Please note...any cancelled orders WILL have their Non-Refundable Deposits refunded to them.


Hi Alexandra,

I have a BIG question on this. I was also one of the one's who was really looking forward to this piece.

On Wednesday I had called in to SS to try to have my order changed to flexpay. As I would have had NO problems whatsover making 3 payments on this but due to a few unfortunate circumstances, (not including being the best man at my friends wedding next weekend) I wouldn't have the full funds come the 29th.

After talking with Customer service, and them basically telling me there was no way that was possible, I told them that it must be cancelled, because the next day or so, it would have been automatically cancelled anyway.

So , I'm wondering about my NRD as well. Will I get mine back as well??? Because it doesn't seem cool that instead, if I had just waited less than 48 hours and let it be automatically cancelled instead of calling, I would have got my NRD back...
sideshow definitely needs to rethink this policy

Agreed, maybe make an alternate credit card details/payment methods or up front payment available if the first one fails at least, and give more notice before cancellation.
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A couple of years ago, the CC had reached its expiration date, and I forgot to update my account.

I got a phone call from Sideshow (remember I live in France). They informed me some orders were about to be cancelled and that I should update the CC infos. I did and therefore was able to keep all my orders.

This kind of "warning policy" (not necessarily by phone, they could send emails) should be mandatory now that we pay a NRD at the moment of the pre-order.
What an asinine policy.

What logical purpose does it serve? :duh

Nothing. It's also the reason we're all super pissed right now.

Something tells me at one point Sideshow may have realized just how super popular and maybe undercharged this item became for them. Thats the only reason I can come up with. I still get that feeling that they think they're doing us a favor, instead it's obviously the other way around.
You should definitely have to put a back-up source on your account to further prevent stuff like this from happening. It just sucks that these guys paid the NRD a year ago, and SSC automatically cancels their orders at the first sniff of a decline. You know, we're showing them a courtesy by paying this NRD (even though we have no choice, it still shows we're committed to buying), so why can't they show us a courtesy and give us a few days to correct the situation if there is a decline.

Sometimes things happen beyond our control, even though we do everything in our power to prevent such things from happening. So, why make these guys feel like they're being punished for something they tried to prevent from happening? Cut 'em a break and give them a chance to correct it.
Nothing. It's also the reason we're all super pissed right now.

Something tells me at one point Sideshow may have realized just how super popular and maybe undercharged this item became for them. Thats the only reason I can come up with. I still get that feeling that they think they're doing us a favor, instead it's obviously the other way around.

Well, I'm sure the two people whose WL converted because of this policy don't mind it at this point. Nothing against them, but it sucks that this had to happen to two people, who were desperately looking forward to this piece, for theirs to convert.
Voorhees27 said:
Nothing. It's also the reason we're all super pissed right now.

Something tells me at one point Sideshow may have realized just how super popular and maybe undercharged this item became for them. Thats the only reason I can come up with. I still get that feeling that they think they're doing us a favor, instead it's obviously the other way around.

I would love to know why exactly Sideshow thought/thinks this was a good idea.

All I can figure is it was an attempt to save the customer service people some time and effort on the phones with customers who got a decline and called to correct the error. So when a card decline, the order would electronically be moved to a wait list customer, there by never having to go through an actual human customer rep. :dunno

Either way though, Sideshow is gonna get the items sold, so it makes no sense at all.

Bottom line, this wont hurt or help Sideshow. A handful are gonna be pissed about loosing an order, but the handful who get a wait list conversion will be jumping for joy. Sideshow wins either way.
My ex will be here next thursday and how the hell did two peoples orders get canceled everybody was informed to make sure there credit card was up to date weeks ago.
You should definitely have to put a back-up source on your account to further prevent stuff like this from happening.

Actually, I did have a back-up source. It was not used in this case, nor was it attempted. They ran the first card and that was that. In fact, in my case, the backup card was the one that I called to have as primary. So, even with them not making the change to the specific order, my backup card was there and ready - just not gone to for this order.
This is ____ed up. Just like I said earlier, though. They don't account for the fact that THEIR reps and system are messing up orders and then the buyer gets screwed!

Omg just saw you actually did call them and the ydidnt update your info right I am so sorry I hope sideshow does something right to make this up to you 2 guys that got cancelled like give you guys a jason pf ex this really blows on sideshows part thats bad buisness.
Actually, I did have a back-up source. It was not used in this case, nor was it attempted. They ran the first card and that was that. In fact, in my case, the backup card was the one that I called to have as primary. So, even with them not making the change to the specific order, my backup card was there and ready - just not gone to for this order.

I met to reply to this quote Im sorry zombiefan are they going to work this ____ out for you what was sideshows response when you tried telling them if it was documented that you tried updating your account then they should do something to make this right Im curious to what was sideshows response to this. If they cant give you a jason ex pf I would make sure you at least get something out of this.
Actually, I did have a back-up source. It was not used in this case, nor was it attempted. They ran the first card and that was that. In fact, in my case, the backup card was the one that I called to have as primary. So, even with them not making the change to the specific order, my backup card was there and ready - just not gone to for this order.

That's un-freaking-believable!!!!!!! :mad:

I'm sorry they did this to you and Barbarian. It just pisses me off, especially that they didn't even attempt to use your back-up card! :mad::mad::mad::mad: