Friday the 13th Part3 Premium Format Figure

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i wouldn't balance it that close to the edge :horror

I wont be keeping it there. I just put it there for size reference. I reckon I can re-jig my collection room and get it into a spot where it looks good. I have been futzing the trousers and the shirt and it's looking better. I have to say this though. The production values on the FVJ Jason are miles better.
Ash's pics look great. I dont see any issues. Now---about using clear Tamiya and adding blood. Thats a fine idea..... as long as you never plan to re-sell it as original. I think I'll just leave mine alone. You can never tell when you might have to sell something off in the advent of a crisis.
This is very true. Yet, many years ago I decided to grunge up my Weta Morgul Lord because the original paint apps were not at all to my liking. I added dirt, mold and rust. I had him for a few years, then sold him on eBay and he ended up going for twice what others were going for at the same time. When the buyer received him, he emailed me asking me how I did it and telling me how happy he was with it. So, I know that some folks do truly appreciate some custom grunge work. :)
imo pose fits the character, he was awkward slow moving

you want dynamic then petition for a 2009 remake Jason

I also think this pose fits the character. His kind of a big oaf, but if you really think about that movie, Jason was running, wrestling on the ground with helpless girls, and jumping out of the way of moving vehicles. Jason was pretty athletic in part 3. Overall impression is still big oaf though.
Somedody know when they going to ship the regular edition?? I order the regular edition and I still waiting...
best thing about 2009 remake.........Julianna Guill ..........OMG :lol
That babe was friggin' incredible! I can't honestly say, nor would I truly want to know the exact number of times I've watched that clip of her in succession. You know the one I'm talkin' 'bout! Hooooooey!!!
imo pose fits the character, he was awkward slow moving

you want dynamic then petition for a 2009 remake Jason

Am I the only one that remembers that Jason runs in part 2-4? Though it was towards then end of each movie. I like this PF very much except for the pose. I don't feel that this pose best represents Jason from part 3. But everything else does look good. Can't wait to put this up on my shelf.
I also think this pose fits the character. His kind of a big oaf, but if you really think about that movie, Jason was running, wrestling on the ground with helpless girls, and jumping out of the way of moving vehicles. Jason was pretty athletic in part 3. Overall impression is still big oaf though.
:lol :exactly:
Somedody know when they going to ship the regular edition?? I order the regular edition and I still waiting...
I think in a couple weeksish. :impatient:
This is very true. Yet, many years ago I decided to grunge up my Weta Morgul Lord because the original paint apps were not at all to my liking. I added dirt, mold and rust. I had him for a few years, then sold him on eBay and he ended up going for twice what others were going for at the same time. When the buyer received him, he emailed me asking me how I did it and telling me how happy he was with it. So, I know that some folks do truly appreciate some custom grunge work. :)

If the work is good, yes. That's not always the norm though. I've seen some great customized pieces go for considerably less because they weren't stock.

Am I the only one that remembers that Jason runs in part 2-4? Though it was towards then end of each movie. I like this PF very much except for the pose. I don't feel that this pose best represents Jason from part 3. But everything else does look good. Can't wait to put this up on my shelf.

Just two posts about yours, SS was posting about it. And yes, I'm willing to wager most of us 80's horror vets remember him running before getting zombified.
I remember I used to argue all the time that he didnt run, but after watching the early movies eleventeen jillion times, I was corrected. Now this was years ago, but yeah its only for brief moments, but he does run.
...not really, part 4 hes already jacked up pretty bad. This part 3 look he just looks "normal" and normal in the senes of being just deformed. By part 4, his face is all over the place and wrinkled and scarred.
His trousers aren't blue enough and he was more retarded looking in part 4, his mannerisms I mean. He looks pretty spasticated in this stance. Nevertheless, the statue is starting to grow on me and even the other half said she liked it.