Friday the 13th Part3 Premium Format Figure

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Poor paint aps = dud and needs to be exchanged. I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with any aspect other than the fact that this might very well not only be Sideshow's best PF to date, but might actually contain too much awesomeness...

Decided to do EX pics since we'll likely see more reg pics. No _____ing about the blurriness - remember, I don't take pics of my collection. :lol





...not really, part 4 hes already jacked up pretty bad. This part 3 look he just looks "normal" and normal in the senes of being just deformed. By part 4, his face is all over the place and wrinkled and scarred.


Sorry to hear about your experience with it, Ash. I do understand the pain in moving something when you live overseas and of course factor in the sick shipping rates. For what its worth I think your pics rock and the piece looks fantastic! My only nitpick would be his cartoonish hands or lack of bulk. No bigs though.

Mine will be here tomorrow baby :rock
BTW guys, Ash was right about the axe head. But a smidge of Teflon tape wrapped around the top of the handle will make it fit snug in the socket on the axehead.
Looks pretty good Nam. I wonder if SS would send me two new hands and an axe as they are the only part with the really bad paint.
Looks pretty good Nam. I wonder if SS would send me two new hands and an axe as they are the only part with the really bad paint.

Probably not (wouldn't hurt to ask though as they did that for me for Indy's gunbelt). They'll likely have you send the whole thing back, number a blank and send it to you to keep the numbers consistent.
WOW This Things Looking Insane Guys :rock especially after Nam,s Pics :clap:clap :panic: The Only One Nip Pick Is The Webbed Fingers On The Left Hand :horror!!!
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I aint liking that dirty face/nose. Nam---contact your customer service rep about that one. As far as dirtiness goes for the nails--Its an easy trick. Do it with with washes or maybe graphite grease(if they still make it).
Well, maybe a quick review.

I love it!

I think it came out very well, and just the right amount of dirty.

Will I touch it up and futz with the clothes? Of course. But right out of the box, he's badass, and I definitely prefer the regular edition setup as best display mode.

I may actually get a hold of a regular one now, and customize my Ex with the Ax wound to the unmasked head as seen at the end of part 3, and customize the masked head as a part 4 to display with machete. Then I'll have the best of everything.

Glad you like it. So who will be making a forest diorama or back drop for the figure? I know it won't match the base but still....
Well, maybe a quick review.

I love it!

I think it came out very well, and just the right amount of dirty.

Will I touch it up and futz with the clothes? Of course. But right out of the box, he's badass, and I definitely prefer the regular edition setup as best display mode.

I may actually get a hold of a regular one now, and customize my Ex with the Ax wound to the unmasked head as seen at the end of part 3, and customize the masked head as a part 4 to display with machete. Then I'll have the best of everything.


If the EX had the bloody ax wound to begin with I would have snatched this up I think. That hissing Jason was one of the freakiest things for me as a kid.
BTW guys, Ash was right about the axe head. But a smidge of Teflon tape wrapped around the top of the handle will make it fit snug in the socket on the axehead.

so its not a magnet? has anybodys fell out on its own yet or do you have to move it around to make it fall?