Great pose and shot sir...
I did what Jedi Mike did (good thing I don't collect the PF's) and used my IM giftcard to finally get this guy. I want to see him for myself and see if those joints are as loose and those ankles are as split as some folks claim before I plunk $ down for Sam. (Can't have one w/o the other, right )...but some of the great photos in here finally convinced me (along with Gandalf on the way) to complete the SS LOTR 1:6 collection...
Pics soon...
Most 1/6 bodies besides the buck have tiny splits down them on the legs, medicom HT etc. it's normal. I never understood that complaint about this figure.
As far a loose joints, well it seems some moreso than others. The frodo i saw at a shop had much tighter joints than mine does. And mine is still not so loose that it would not hold a pose. I have buck bodies that are much worse, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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