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I never really associated the rope with Gollum. I guess that would be the only one it could come with at this point though--unless they gave it to Galadriel, or put it in a pack with Aragorns elven cloak.
Leave some tastey treats for Gollum's accessories! :)

If they use the new Hobbit bodies to do a Gollom/Smeagol, he's gonna need to have more accessories, since he's a nekkid feller. Dead rabbits, dead fishes, probably an empty leaf full of Lembas crumbs.

Man, he doesn't really get much, huh?


Actually, it should be a Gollum/Smeagol 2-pack. There is just no freakin' way that anyone is going to pay $70.00 for a loin-clothed figure, regardless of the number of accessories.

As for accessories, there just isn't much coming to mind besides the few mentioned already. I guess they can throw in that log that he floated down the Anduin river with... :rolleyes:
I don't get why Sideshow does this password thing... even though I post here and subscribe to the newsletter I never have any idea what the passwords are :lol

Makes my monkey cry :monkey2
I got it on my first try.

I didn't mean to sound condescending or smug in my earlier post, and if it came off that way then I apologize.

I agree that the password thing was needlessly confusing. My guess is that they password protect certain pages that are put in place in advance but are not meant to be viewed until the newsletter goes live. Then when it's time for the reveal, they remove the password protection and we are all free to view the content. That sort of thing has happened before during Toy Fair, etc. to get the page up but keep the French from fishing it out in advance.

I don't see why they would link us to a password protected page in the newsletter and not provide the paswword, so I assume that this was a goof. Otherwise it was an odd little game.
I didn't mean to sound condescending or smug in my earlier post, and if it came off that way then I apologize.

I agree that the password thing was needlessly confusing. My guess is that they password protect certain pages that are put in place in advance but are not meant to be viewed until the newsletter goes live. Then when it's time for the reveal, they remove the password protection and we are all free to view the content. That sort of thing has happened before during Toy Fair, etc. to get the page up but keep the French from fishing it out in advance.

I don't see why they would link us to a password protected page in the newsletter and not provide the paswword, so I assume that this was a goof. Otherwise it was an odd little game.

No, your post didn't sound that way -- I've been reading you too long to get that impression -- sorry if mine came off sounding like a retaliation.

I'm sure you're right about protecting the pictures for a time. I just don't see the point. Who cares who sees them first. Us newsletter guys will obviously check in first since we wait so eagerly for any news from SS, especially on Thursday nights. If a few other people stumble on it in the wee hours of the night, so what.

Anyway, the figures still look great. Might have to muddy up their shins a bit though.
A few years back, DRAGON did a few carded rations sets for their 1/6 scale German WWII figures. All sorts of earthy field rations like veggies, sausages and breads. I remember one having potatoes! The ONE THING missing from 1/6 scale Samwise is taters! Po-ta-toes??? Mash 'em, boil 'em, stick 'em in stew! -AH!

When I was collecting Dragon figs I made some taters and loaves of bread out of Sculpey. It's rather easy to sculpt a potato even with limited artistic skills like mine. :D