I hear ya. Sarah Connor and Faramir are the only 2 I can think of that there wasn't a public statement regarding delay on, but they took a long while to come out. Surprisingly, Palpatine pack came out a couple weeks after SDCC for order and shipped over a month ago. I think it's just the bodies being new territory, even the heads and attaching them, and the intricacy of the tiny clothes and small accessories. I'm confident that the wait'll pay off though. Other than the new Zombie figure issue, SSC's 1/6 has been going pretty strong in the paint apps department with Bespin Luke, ANH Leia (my only issue being posed eyes but still painted on well), Old Ben, Palpatine, Sidious, Padme (my only issue being posed eyes, still a well painted head) and even Praji is looking good in the paint department, I'm confident in these 2 turning out well and ready to dismiss Faramir as just momentary tragedy in a long chain of growing success.