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Well I wish all your dreams to come true and be rewarded Cap.

I like Frodo and Sam and look forward to this set, but the 2 characters I cherrish most from the LOTR trilogy are Aragorn and Gandalf. Obi-Wan Kenobi is my favorite Star Wars hero and I think I'm drawn to those 2 in LOTR because of the similar traits. Aragorn is the noble warrior and Gandalf is the wise fatherly figure. I guess I connect better with those traits than the the hero that presses on against the odds, which is what Frodo stands for. At this pace, it's not likely, but I'd love to see another Aragorn from Two Towers or even Amon Hen. Aragorn being made king would be cool too with Frodo and Sam, I could display like my favorite scene in the whole trilogy, "my friends, you bow to no one." I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about that.
LOTR is my #1. The LOTR lines are the ones I care the most about (1:6th and Dio's specifically) are the most important which is why I hope it lasts forever really.
Yeah, Obi-Wan is my favorite character in SW for those very same reasons, though between Frodo and Aragorn, I feel closer to Frodo, if only because I connect more with his struggles than with those of Aragorn. Of course, neither means as much to me as Faramir, of course. If there's anybody with whom I feel akin, it's Faramir. Obviously, lol.

That would be great if they made King Elessar, or at least Aragorn at the Black Gates. However, that needs to wait until we get the rest of the 9 and a villain or two. As for the hobbits at the coronation, that would be an easy enough custom. Those final outfits are quite simple, and wouldn't be a real challange to recreate, even on a figure that small.
I'd be happy with Elessar and Aragorn @ The Black Gates but I want the Fellowship first, Eomer, Saruman, and Theoden.
And by everyone you mean about the 10 of us still hanging on that haven't cancelled our orders :lol

I'll probably be cancelling mine as well. I'm currently 12" Figure free other than the first 4 LotR figures which are boxed up in my closet. I'm going to hold off until we get shipping notices though. If I do cancel (which I'm 80% sure I will) I'll sell the other four figures and be a 100% 12" free zone.
I'll probably be cancelling mine as well. I'm currently 12" Figure free other than the first 4 LotR figures which are boxed up in my closet. I'm going to hold off until we get shipping notices though. If I do cancel (which I'm 80% sure I will) I'll sell the other four figures and be a 100% 12" free zone.

What a miserable zone that would be! :monkey2
I was so excited when I received the newsletter in my mail box and quickly scrolled down looking for news of Frodo and Sam. But still no news. :monkey2
...between Frodo and Aragorn, I feel closer to Frodo...

Me too. Frodo Baggins is my favorite character in all literature. If I have ever wanted a figure to turn out perfect, this is the one. I even try not to talk to about it too much, lest I jinx it. And I'm not the least bit superstitious normally.
Didn't they say in a newsletter a few back that sam was gonna ship in april?

Oh yes they did.(hope it's soon been waiting plenty long enough)

"Our Sideshow Exclusive Samwise Gamgee 1:6 scale figure is due to arrive into our warehouse in April 2008"
I've given up "waiting" for these to come out. They'll just show up when they show up I guess.

I can see why people would become apathetic towards this line, the wait from pre-order to release is absurd.
I hear that.With my luck this will ship same time as a few other figs and stuff i want that are coming out at around the same time.
Faramir in the books=awesome, his own man.

Faramir in the movie=Denathor's little ******.
poor movie faramir. he gets no respect.:monkey2 one of my favorite faramir scenes in the movies was in TTT during that osgiliath flashback when denethor is praising boromir and boromir says that the day belongs to faramir as well. then faramir does that little strut foward to get some praise only to be cut down by that ******* denethor. i felt bad for him.:monkey2

oh and since this is the frodo and sam thread: "ship these already":lol
I actually preferred movie Faramir to book Faramir – in general I always prefer the book, but LOTR seems to be the exception to that rule for me. I'm always more drawn to flawed characters, and movie Faramir just worked better for me. And I also loved the Osgiliath flashback in TTT. Poor Faramir indeed. It was like an exercise in Middle-earth family dysfunction.

And back to Frodo and Sam – I want them too! :D I guess it's looking more and more like April is off the cards. I'll start hoping for May instead. Do we even know if these guys are going to arrive together, or are they more likely to show up one at a time?
Didn't they say in a newsletter a few back that sam was gonna ship in april?

Oh yes they did.(hope it's soon been waiting plenty long enough)

"Our Sideshow Exclusive Samwise Gamgee 1:6 scale figure is due to arrive into our warehouse in April 2008"

Well, since he's not in the 30 day list, I'd say at this stage, early to mid May is the best case scenario.