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Has anyone noticed if Frodo's vest is the wrong color? I thought it was maroon in the films?


I have been looking on the web for pictures of Frodo for referance. One thing I noticed is that his scabard is always on his left. If you mount it the way it came from Sideshow it mounts on his right side, but from some pics I have found it is on his left. Did Sideshow put the belt on his scabbard backwards?

Sword on LEFT side:






just got on. great reviews Captain Faramir. i like all the positive takes on these figures so far. sets my mind at ease as i wait for mine. keep the pics coming as well. can never have enough pics.
Mounted right.

Mounted left.

The belt tip does not fit through the buckle, so I will have to remove the tip and switch the belt around.
I have been looking on the web for pictures of Frodo for referance. One thing I noticed is that his scabard is always on his left. If you mount it the way it came from Sideshow it mounts on his right side, but from some pics I have found it is on his left. Did Sideshow put the belt on his scabbard backwards?

Sword on LEFT side:







I think we got the point a quarter way in! :lol
when they first revealed these guys i thought sam was waaaay better than frodo. but now i think frodo came out a lot better. dont get me wrong, sam looks great too. face just seems too "clean".
the more I see the pix of the figures the more I feel these look more like hobbits than the movie. Elija and gang are dressed to be hobbits, but they still retained proper porpotions to some extent. while these look very much like midgets or dwarfs. (big head, tiny torso, and some lack of neck.) I dont know if its intentional, but SS's big head syndrom continues with small people. :D
Captain Faramir - you're posts are superb - always a good read.

So... do we reckon that these are the only versions of Sam n Frodo that we will need? By that I mean with all the accessories these guys come with... it looks they're good to represent the characters for all three movies.

Their outfits dont change too much, apart from the cloak change they just take off layers the closer they get to Mt Doom (there's the Orc disguises tho). Frodo has his glass vial too. Apart from dirt and Frodo looking more n more like a heroin addict as the story progresses... it appears we are set. Or are there any clothes / accessories missing that could've been included? Someone has already mentioned Frodo is lacking bracers... is there anything else?
Hahaha! My bank just called me regarding fraud protection on my account. They were concerned that I had drawn money out of the hole in the wall and been charged by 'some company called SideShow Collectibles who are based in the US' on the 2nd June. Cos I live in the UK their fraud protection kicked in due to the transactions being on opposite sides of the world.

Usually I hate my bank but good on them this time. Actually, they are probably just making sure i'm in good stead to keep paying my interest and student loans!