Super Freak
Battlefield 2 (the original, not BC)
Half-Life 2
Ghostbusters : The Video Game
Doom 3
Alien Swarm
Half-Life 2
Ghostbusters : The Video Game
Doom 3
Alien Swarm
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Arkham Asylum
COD4: Modern Warfare
COD: Modern Warfare 2
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Assassin's Creed 2
See the pattern?
Seriously though, I love stealth games...
What's the length of play required to know if you'll never tire of a game? Out of all the games listed here by various people, how many of you actually played more than a dozen or couple dozen hours of that game? I think a very large amount of time spent must be a requisite in calling a game one that you could never tire of. Putting a sum of hours into a game and then coming back to it a few years later doesn't count. By then you'll think it's a fresh experience.
What's the length of play required to know if you'll never tire of a game? Out of all the games listed here by various people, how many of you actually played more than a dozen or couple dozen hours of that game? I think a very large amount of time spent must be a requisite in calling a game one that you could never tire of. Putting a sum of hours into a game and then coming back to it a few years later doesn't count. By then you'll think it's a fresh experience.
I don't think there should be a requisite for a number of playthroughs or hours spent playing. This is all subjective so one person could have their own definition for "never getting tired of a game."
For me anyways, I played through Onimusha a good 20 times. Then I bought Genma Onimusha for the Xbox and repeated it too many times to count. I still pop it in the PS3 from time to time and play through it.
Same with MGS 3. I haven't kept count of my exact number of playthroughs, but it's enough to say that I'm not tired of playing it. I try to do it every couple of months or so, and it's still as much fun as the first time. MGS 3 is one of those games I really want an HD remake for and I'm sure I'm not the only person that would buy it.