I wonder if they'll be able to hold their pole-arms in two hands like when they faced off against Luke.

The price on the Hasbro is great, but I can't imagine anyone repainting the whole thing for less than $100. So, in the end I think you end up with about the same price once its all said and done.
Totally agree. SSC's looks 100 times better. Hasbro to SS is apple to oranges, at least now it is. When all they did was Jedi, they were maybe a few notches above Hasbro.I really never thought we'd be actually comparing Hasbro and Sideshow product so closely... nor would I have ever guessed that some feel the Hasbro is 'good enough'.
My, how times change.
Well, I think the Gamorrean is one of a small handful of Hasbro figures that hold up pretty well, at least with a repaint. Repaints can't really save the majority of Hasbro 12" figures.
For some reason the Sideshow version looks more like an orc than a Gamorrean to me.
Maulfan, I sure hope that fur skirt is not sewn in place or fixed to the shirt. It definitely rides way too high. Hoping it can just be lowered down appropriately. If not, that's a BIG problem.
I don't get that mindset at all. Just present the damn character as closely as you can to the way it looks in the movie(s). THAT is what people want to purchase. We can marvel at the SSC creative team's prowess after we have the figure in our hands. Yeesh.Maybe with some luck it's just elevated to show off the work below, I can't imagine who's partiularly interested in that area as a make or break seeing it before purchase, but, i do know Sideshow likes to show off all the work put into a figure which sometimes means awkward positioning of costume bits in order to expose areas otherwise covered.
The only thing I'm a bit iffy on with the Sideshow Gammy is the grandpa pants thing going on with his fir skirt/shirt, it seems quite high on him, but made that way, so futzing couldn't lower it, he's showing too much leg.