Gandalf 12" up for order!

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bit strong there mate!!

Probably joking but I always add a smilie to make sure as this difference between interpreting writing & talking is huge
I know what you mean and yes I was joking. I've already deleted that comment and clarified to Badmoon that I omitted a smiley, I PM'd him on the matter.
Oh, I thought of a more relevant metaphor. Imagine the Balrog as a valid, dissenting opinion, and the exit to Moria as Josh. That makes the Ignore button his own little Gandalf the Grey:


The way SSC interacts with it's fans gives us a false sense that we're more involved with the actual workings of the company than we really are, therefore some may feel like they should be clued in. People don't feel that way about HT or Medicom because they don't interact with their audience at all.

I think we more involved with things at SS than any set of fans are at any company. When it comes to pricing though I think that's expecting a tad too much.

True, but anyone who labels themselves a "Superfan" loses a little bit of credibility when it comes to what or what not SSC should do. Not that there is anything wrong with being a "Superfan". I am a Carolina Tarheels "Superfan" so I feel they should be ranked #1 at all times. However, unlike other "Superfans", I realize my opinion is probably biased. But, hey, that's just my opinion. -->:D

I just want to make it clear it was not I who labeled myself that. It was given to me by SS themselves during an interview from SDCC in 2006. I put that under my user name as a joke more poking fun at myself. I don't take it that seriously despite many of YOU taking that way. I love UNC and consider myself a superfan but I don't think they should be #1 all the time. I've got no problem saying when SS doesn't do something I like. I'm pretty sure I said I didn't care for the price in this thread already, the WK TF LSB, Faramirs paint job, etc. Those posts I guess get overlooked.

In all honesty, I never get why some feel the need to berate those who want to know. You compare SSC with GG - a company even their "Superfans" admit sucks at customer support and two Asian based companies that send us the crumbs that are left from their target audience. And, that's suppose to paint SSC in a favorable light?!? But, I am sure that's a logical comparison. I will figure it out eventually ... ?

I compared them in that neither talks about pricing. Nothing more than that. I don't get whats hard to figure out that these collectibles company outside of say Hasbro tell people what items are gonna cost all year long. Hasbro can do that because they make a gazillion of the little figures and price increases to them don't hit as hard. SS, HT, Medicom, GG are collectibles companies and make limited runs so their pricing will jump around. If you don't get that then that's on you.

Then again I may be just wrong because when a logical argument comes up I just run or ignore. :rolleyes: Really when it comes right down to it you're about as logical as a scud missle. Which is to say NOT on target.

best post that ive ever read from you Doug! kudos! But now youre probably on Josh's ignore list too. oh no! :rolleyes:

You nailed that one. Boy you're smart. :rolleyes:
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Josh, I think part of the difficulty is when you feel the need to reply to every comment made, quoting everything and then calling names or using mean language. Just let it go. We know how you feel, and most don't hold it against you, but you need to just let it slide and not feel the need to respond. Why should you be bothered by what people say? If you feel they are wrong, you don't need to say it. Let it be. I myself have always liked you and appreciated your comments, but don't defend yourself from every post made against you. Just ignore it--not the person, but the post. It's not hard. :cool:

As for everybody else, we should all chill with the sarcasm and the mocking and the snide remarks. Everybody claims to be here to "discuss," but discussion and argument are two different things, and it appears most can't tell the difference. You can disagree, but to stereotype others, insult them, or compete for who can be the wittiest with their insults and retorts is simply useless. I feel bad for those who are always complaining, jumping to conclusions, or playing victim left and right. Enough of the post-wars.

This is a thread to discuss Gandalf the Grey, and while it's cool to discuss our issues with price or quality or whatever, it's very sad to see that there are those who can't do that unless everybody feels the same way. Let's just drop the issues and go to the figure. That's what most of us are here for. Like King said, this isn't the Star Wars thread. I would have thought LOTR fans would have been better behaved. :(

If I feel the need to respond I will plain and simple. I let a lot of things go here more so than most realize. Why? Cause it is a board for toys LOL. Like I said I'll respond when I feel I must and not when I don't. :)
I try not to be too rah-rah Sideshow, but I have to say that seeing all this negativity over a kick-ass figure is a bit depressing.

I agree.

Almost everything is going up in price and I don't think it will stop.

Now is this figure more or even less than what it costs to make?

Probably never know.

How is the line doing anyway?

Aragorn was not as great as the prototype. So that turned a lot of people off. Legolas and Boromir weren't bad. Faramir's facepaint suffered. Frodo and Sam have brand new bodies, plus the work on there clothes is great, but that's the prototypes and people think $70 is too much for them.

Hot Toys sells figures for about 130 and more. They usually sell out and even go up more on the after market. I believe the price is good for what you get most of the time. Medicom's standard on the other hand are even more expensive. I mostly don't believe the price is good for what you get.

And I'm tired and lost. Don't know where I was going with this. :monkey1

Why must the Ring suffer!

SW armored figures definitely won't be less than this!
Let me put it this way, if I can pay $150 for Medi Boba and Jango than I can easily pay $90 for GtG, a figure, I've wanted for a very long time. The price increase is very suprising and if it were any other figure, I would've been very sceptical at purchasing it. However, this being Gandalf was a no-brainer.
wow.... how the hell did i miss the fact that GANDALF has gone on sale.

All I can say about this figure is..... :bow :bow :bow

This is figure is incredible. Yes the robe and clothing needs a little weathering to make it look a bit rougher... but other than that, this figure is perfect. When you consider than this figure is the same price as smoking cigarettes for a couple of weeks.... I'd say that's pretty good considering the quality we're getting.

It's almost worth the price just to get my hands on that sculpt.

(note: I am not rich... and I wish these things were cheaper... and I may have to wait a while before I can get it from a UK retailer... but this figure is worth every penny... so please, QUIT whining about it. Either buy it... or don't buy it. but please, don't keep going on about the price and how you don't like it. The rest of us can live with it.)
So long as Gandalf sports a new body, I'll be a happy camper. :)

*please SS, new body please*
...(note: I am not rich... and I wish these things were cheaper... and I may have to wait a while before I can get it from a UK retailer... but this figure is worth every penny...
That is YOUR opinion. Some people have an other opinion, and that's why we discuss these things here, on this board, which brings me to the next point... please, QUIT whining about it. Either buy it... or don't buy it. but please, don't keep going on about the price and how you don't like it. The rest of us can live with it.)

Again, phrases like "if you don't like it, don't buy it" put an end to EVERY discussion. Maybe we should talk about the weather instead? Or better, shut this board completely down? The prices of collectibles play an important role in collecting, so I think a discussion about the pricing is in place. Especially after all the recent price hikes Sideshow has blessed us with.

If you think otherwise, you really don't have to take part in this discussion.
Ordered, nice figure, costume is a bit plain, needs some weathering indeed, but very nice overall !

Now bring on Gimli in any format ! 12", LSB, PF ... I think a discussion about the pricing is in place.

well that would be fine if it actually were a discussion. And a few people were doing just that, discussing... but most of it was sideshow bashing and whining. And really, what does that achieve?
well that would be fine if it actually were a discussion. And a few people were doing just that, discussing... but most of it was sideshow bashing and whining. And really, what does that achieve?

I don't think because some has a gripe with a product that they are whining or bashing. I think at this point what has needed to be said has been said. I also am happy that Sideshow placed some cool stuff on the piece in the production blog. When asked a question about how this affects price in their talk back section they kinda avoided the question. That being said at the end of the day I think consumers are silently saying what they think. Proof is in the pudding and the figure is still available. I think it is a fantastic figure though don't get me wrong.
I think this looks great! I dont collect 12'' though......

It appears to me that SS is gouging. :emperor

This IS (arguably) the most anticipated piece of the line. And with its release, our friends at SS are making sure we're "Gettin it", (in the shorts that is......)

Flame on!
well i hope the fact that the exclusive Gandalf is still available a day after he went up dosen't bode too bad for the line.
I'm figuring we get the two other hobbits no matter what because of the money spent on the those new bodies. they have to make the money back somehow and that's either a lot of zombie kids or some hobbits
Maybe some armor figures will follow since they now have the armor for the star wars figures but from reading these posts and the fact that Gandalf is still available I'm thinking support of the line is falling especially at the new price but I'm holding onto hope that we get the entire fellowship before this line leaves.