As the price of a product increases and presumably the number of people who can or are willing to buy it decreases, it doesn't necessarily mean the product will stop being made. What really matters is how much profit the company makes off of each unit. If that remains constant then I can't see why the product wouldn't continue to be made. 3,000 units at $50 = 300 units at $500.
Not aiming at you here Entropy, but yes, that point has been made months ago. If the price goes up, some collectors are just forced out. You call that "collector friendly"? That would mean that a business who follows that strategy, doesn't care WHO buys their products, as long as SOMEONE (with enough money) buys it. You reckon Sideshow to be such a company?
"We love collectors, - after all, we're collectors ourselves - but if you can't afford it, we're sorry..." Do you think that is their new attitude? I don't know. Still, the prices have gone up. And even if a big portion of that money is going into quality, it doesn't explain it completely.
Anyways, with the bar set to $90, some people will find themselves on the other side of the fence. Same will happen to the SW line. Heck, the new Indy line is practically designed for collectors with a little more cash to spare, since it's very first figure comes with a $90 price tag. But off course all the accessories it comes with, and the new body do justify that price...? I wonder how those that where happy to have decent quality 12" figures for $60 feel about all these new prices. They are stuck now with the lines for Lowlifes: Reservoir Dogs and The Dead! All you can get for 60 BUCKs.

I have to admit, I'm letting go off the Reservoir Dogs and Shawn & Ed... . That's the $300 I rather invest in a 'better' product: Gandalf, Obi-Wan and Indy! Oh, yes, I still need to find something I can cancel to finance the new Medicom Trooper... !