The Ringer
Super Freak
I think if Sideshow announced another certain(evil) white wizard it would help with GTG.
yes, because these are starting to get unaffordable to most people..soon the next lotr 12" will be 99.99, then 109.99 you watch! its coming! just like gas and oil prices are going up and predicted to go higher.Gas prices are rumored to soon hit $5-6 a gallon because of our dollar losing its value (its going bankrupt, as history has always shown that a paper money standard always fails).Not to mention the Fed prints money out of nothing with no gold backing.Food is going up in price and has yet to stop and likely wont! This inflation is caused by a de-valued dollar.Soon people wont even look at this stuff because they need to buy things they need to survive.So get used to it and the prices of these figures,unless you decide when enough is enough!
Yeah, some of you laugh at my comments and I know some dont,but this is still yet a Free country and as a collector and an informed person, When are we gonna start wondering why prices are truely going up?
I really hope they don't just complete the Fellowship and call it a day... that would suck. So many great figures could be made, and I would be bummed if Faramir was the only non-Fellowship member represented
We need villains!!! And we need them now!!!
yes, because these are starting to get unaffordable to most people..soon the next lotr 12" will be 99.99, then 109.99 you watch! its coming! just like gas and oil prices are going up and predicted to go higher.Gas prices are rumored to soon hit $5-6 a gallon because of our dollar losing its value (its going bankrupt, as history has always shown that a paper money standard always fails).Not to mention the Fed prints money out of nothing with no gold backing.Food is going up in price and has yet to stop and likely wont! This inflation is caused by a de-valued dollar.Soon people wont even look at this stuff because they need to buy things they need to survive.So get used to it and the prices of these figures,unless you decide when enough is enough!
Yeah, some of you laugh at my comments and I know some dont,but this is still yet a Free country and as a collector and an informed person, When are we gonna start wondering why prices are truely going up?
Could the reason Gandolf Exclusive has not yet sold out is that LoTR murchandising has dropped in the last few years? Without any movie support, it is hard to keep anything on the consumer's minds.
Us fanbois will wait and hope for anything new from LoTR but I bet as we get farther and farther away from the release of RoTK, we will get smaller and smaller.
Start a thread in the sandbox if you wish to discuss economics - this thread is not the place for it and any more posts of this nature will be deleted.
Start a thread in the sandbox if you wish to discuss economics - this thread is not the place for it and any more posts of this nature will be deleted.
I really hope they don't just complete the Fellowship and call it a day... that would suck. So many great figures could be made, and I would be bummed if Faramir was the only non-Fellowship member represented
We need villains!!! And we need them now!!!
Because there is no dedicated thread for it, so I expect your post to disappear teemu.
No worries dude!
Here are some pictures to get us back on track!
I agree with most of what you are saying. I'm only hoping that some of the expensive pieces will come down in value during this apparent recession so I can pick them up at a price that is a little out of my league for right now.
Your comments would also be appropriate in the following thread:
Start a thread in the sandbox if you wish to discuss economics - this thread is not the place for it and any more posts of this nature will be deleted.