Lt. Vulture
I hope this is a true PPO and not a "hey look Gandalf is up" sorta deal." As I have class and can't be by the computer constantly. I hope all the regular pre orders that go up are for things I don't care about 

Still, I have a hand-carved Moria staff that Cocoboloboy made for me which is made of real wood and will be just as good, if not better, than anything Sideshow can make, so at least I'll be covered. I just don't think that will be the case, as it's too crucial an accessory. I mean, it's monumentally crucial!
Exclusive: Dragon firework?
And I really hope that book page comes out looking nicer than that. Why can't they just print the text on the book instead of that lame pasted on paper insert?
Now where are my Merry, Pippin, and Gimli figures?
Mark my words . . .the break-it-or-make-it deal in this whole thing will definitely be his beard/hair. It will define how SS will create Gimli. And it will definitely polarize people into one of 2 camps. Here's hoping that Sideshow finally mastered how to approach this beard thing. I recall this was a big question on people when they first announced the first LOTR figure (trivia question -- anyone recall what it was, and when they first announced it?). That and how SS would handle armor. Looks like we'll see how SS will handle beards pretty soon. Now for the big wait.
Well, to slightly beat a dead horse, the Buck has a very limited neck articulation, especially moving forward so I don't forsee Gandalf's beard interfearing with that no matter how it's done. Gimli would go on the new child body, which has a better neck joint and would require a different beard style to accommodate not losing the articulation.
Good point about the Buck neck articulation. Even Ben Kenobi has the stiff neck syndrome, but at least the length of his beard is not an issue! lol
Gimli's body, I presume, will also be made by Hot Toys, so I suppose we can expect better neck articulation for him. His beard is going to be much more of an issue than either Gandy or Saruman, though. For his height it should reach down past his belt, so it's going to be interesting to see how they deal with it.
I can't wait. This is easily my most-wanted of ALL possible LOTR figures.
And I hope the rest of the Fellowship (Gimli, Merry and Pippin) are not too far behind...
Faramir was (obviously) my most desired figure, but I've gone back and forth on who I want next.... And what of the Elves? and Rohan?
Gandalf is next--we know that now. I am going to make a guess and say that we will see three legendary scale busts announced before the next 12" figure (after Gandalf).
If they announce Gimli and Aragorn then I'm gonna have to get in on the LSB line to get all 9 members.