So my exclusive just arrived, but I don't dare take any pics now --- the lighting wouldn't be good at all.
Here are some random thoughts:
1) The skin tones aren't too dark really, though it is funny when you connect the alternate hands to their MUCH lighter arms. Nice touch, the right arm (sword arm) is held on by a magnet. The only area where he might be a touch too dark is in the forehead, but I don't think I will find myself dwelling on it much.
2) The costuming is amazing, honestly, downright amazing! While the drape isn't quite what I want, I think with some time I can get the waist section to lay a bit more naturally. Down to the eyelits in the wrist sleeves, there is no lack of attention here. The cape is big, and it makes a nice drape down around the base.
3) The pose actually makes sense, especially when viewed in profile. He is merely standing on his back foot; almost as if he were surveying the fray, anticipating his next move. From the front, I don't think it will bother many people either, this is a non-issue for me anyway.
4) WHY oh WHY do they keep using that flakey foam ... me s it! I got a calendar with mine; and it is incorporated into the foam, so it would appear that Sideshow will be using this promotion throughout the beginning of the year at least.
Aside from the hilt issue I have mentioned, the head on his staff is too large, that is a somewhat glaring problem.
On the whole, I am keeping it - I wasn't sure, and tried to remain objective; but this really is a keeper.