The Empire state building is tall. Gee thanks, I can see that. HOW tall is it?
The coffee is hot. Gee, thanks, I know that already. How hot IS it? Is it so hot I should be especially careful? How hot is it compared to other coffees?
If anything, it is lack of precision in one's language that is stupid, and being precise in what one says and does is what sets ____ Sapiens ahead of Neanderthals, because ____ Sapiens are intelligent enough to be more precise, and because of their greater precision, because of their superior brains, they were able develop tools, which made them the dominant species. Precision is practically the cornerstone of civilization. "Oooh Oooh Oooh! Hot coffee! ooga booga." "Excuse me, HOW hot is it?" "Ooga Booga grunt, HOT coffee!"
The word hot is relative. Hot compared to what? McDonalds Coffee was much hotter than most coffee, so, although the term "hot" might suffice to refer to coffee that is how hot most people have it, it is inadequate to describe the significantly greater heat of McDonalds coffee, which would need to be referred to as "extremely hot" by comparison to the heat of most other coffee. Of course, you could just put 180-190 degrees on the menu, which would be an accurate description, and not some vague term "hot".
Why not call it 180 degree coffee on the menu, as the description of the coffee, rather than how some restaurants just say "hot coffee" on the menu. THAT would get the point across, and would further serve to set McDonalds coffee apart from other coffees. This is something McDonalds could do, because they are so precise in their monitoring of their food prep, it is so down to a science, whereas most restaurants are far less precise, and therefore cannot guarantee such a temperature.
For the record, I haven't had coffee in 21 years. I don't find any value in it. I don't believe in stimulants.
So what you're saying is that we're the smartest species, yet not smart enough to know what hot means unless it's more precisely defined for us? What difference does the degree of hot make? None. Hot is hot is hot. Does it do anyone a service to let them know there coffee is 180 degrees vs. 160? Not unless they're concerned with the number of seconds it'll take them blowing on it to cool it off. You can get third degree burns from 140 degrees, you can burn yourself from touching a stove for a milisecond. Hot means hot it doesn't mean hot but still okay to touch or drink, or play with etc. It might as well be a ____ing warning label. It's not a word you toss aside because it's all relative.