Hey all, finished the move Mon. and I've restarted the painting efforts Tues. Man, when you're moving it's all like one long day. I still must be recovering because I can't believe it's now Thursday!
Here's another Wikus I completed before the move but never got around to posting. I really love working on the alien eyes. I wish it was appropriate to paint them on more sculpts.
Here are a pair of Doc Browns I painted recently. The casting (or perhaps recasting) of the eyes on one of them is just an unfriendly, uneven surface. I did my best on the pupils but I think I really found success with the whites.
I painted him up a week ago and he sat on my work table and I thought, there's something missing. I would look at him from time to time and he was just refusing to be interesting. He just sat there. Except his hair. His hair was being interesting. So I scratched my head for a couple days and at the end of it decided to dust off the old pastels (literally) and see what all the fuss is about. I'm pretty happy with the results.
The above pictures were before I finalized the eyes.
Almost all of these guys are a challenge and a half to photograph but there's something about the skin tone of this guy and the subtlety of Trevor's sculpt that the digital camera just doesn't want to capture accurately.
I can't say that my lack of photography skills do any sort of justice to GDB's paints... at all. But here's the Mal he painted up for me in context. Needless to say, I'm VERY happy with the results. :chew